Provoke & Inspire


Does the Balenciaga Scandal Prove That Pedophilia Is Becoming Normalized?

Episode 457

Balenciaga, a famous high-end fashion company, recently shared an ad campaign where children posed with teddy bears dressed in bondage outfits. Many people were outraged by the campaign, Balenciaga gave an apology, and the backlash continued to grow as #cancelbalenciaga went viral.

What does it say about our culture that an ad with children dressed this way was published? Why are secular people outraged by this? How does a follower of Jesus appeal to and utilize this topic in a healthy way to start a spiritual conversation? Ben, Luke, David, and Chad come together to discuss these important questions.
Why Boycotting the World Cup (Or Anything) Makes No Difference!

Episode 456

What should a follower of Jesus do when coming face to face with problems of evil that are too overwhelming to do anything about? How do we respond to the reality that in some ways we are all complicit in injustice?

After some controversy about the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, the guys come together to discuss how we can respond to this as followers of Jesus.
Do I Need God to Be Thankful?

Episode 455

What does it mean to be grateful? Can we be genuinely grateful without attaching it to God? How can we use the topic of gratefulness as a way to engage in a spiritual conversation?

In this week's episode, Ben, David, Chad, and Luke reflect on Thanksgiving and the attitude of gratitude, while wrestling with its true meaning and how we can remain grateful everyday.
Would Jesus Use Social Media?

Episode 454: Would Jesus Use Social Media?

Does social media foster or degrade our intimacy with each other? Can we be authentic and real while using a medium that allows us to filter everything? If yes, what does that look like? As followers of Jesus, how do we view social media?

This week, Ben, Luke, David, and Chad come and discuss these questions together through the lens of the new social media app "BeReal".
You Won't Believe the Latest Trend in Relationships!

Episode 453: You Won't Believe the Latest Trend in Relationships!

How can we approach someone who is in a deconstruction process? Can deconstruction ever be healthy? Is it just a fad or will we still be talking about deconstruction in five years? 

Author, pastor, and former punk-rocker Josh Porter joins Ben and Chad to talk about the things that are killing our faith, and his new book “Death to Deconstruction: Faithfulness as an Act of Rebellion”.

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