Impact Trips

Bogotá, Colombia

Bogotá, Colombia
June 2025

Come to Bogotá, Colombia and join the Local Steiger City team as they attend one of the largest Rock Festivals in Colombia: Rock al Parque. This annual rock festival brings hundreds of thousands of people to Bogotá each year, with people coming from all walks of life. This festival is an incredible opportunity to share the love of Jesus to young people who are not walking into a church!

On this trip you will experience the city of Bogotá, be trained for creative street evangelism, go to a rock festival for 3 days to put those new skills to work, and help host follow-up events with the Local City team to carry on the spiritual conversations you started with the people you met during the festival.

What to Expect:

  • Arrive in Bogotá
  • Meet the Local Steiger teams in Bogotá
  • Explore the city and get oriented with how the week will go
  • Do outreach training
  • Attend the rock festival for 3 days
  • Participate in creative street actions
  • Join and help host follow-up events to continue relationships made during the festival
  • Depart from Bogotá

Trip Dates:
The trip dates will be confirmed once the festival dates are announced for 2025!

Trip Cost:
All pricing is still being finalized and will be published at a later date.

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