International Newsletter April 2020
Although the work God has called us to may look different during this season, the message is the same. We have hope in Jesus - hope beyond any fear!
“I wish this had happened sooner!” is not something you’d expect to hear these days. However, this is how one man involved in Steiger Middle East’s new online outreach and community activities reacted.
The Steiger team in Beirut, Lebanon has been creatively translating their regular outreach to an online context! They’ve moved their weekly community lunches and Bible Study for the Non-Religious to Zoom, encouraging participants to join from wherever they are. They started studying the book of Philippians - a letter from prison!
Twice a week, someone from the community leads an online workshop in their own area of expertise - like singing or a fitness workout. They have also hosted two movie nights, utilizing technology to watch a film together and have a dynamic discussion afterwards.
One team member shares, “The best aspect of this is that people who have left Lebanon are able to participate as fully as if they still lived here. There is great discipleship potential in checking back in with those who made steps in their faith and then lost touch with us.”
Around the world, Steiger missionaries continue to take action and share the Gospel, albeit from a safe distance. Even though all our public events over the next few months have been postponed or cancelled, and many restrictions are limiting face-to-face interaction, we are still thinking outside of the box and the walls of our homes, reaching out in relevant ways!
The songs are all in Russian, but they plan to record some of them in English, as well. Pray that many young people would be inspired to seek God more desperately in worship through this project!
Steiger Poland missionary Ania Greenwood and her kids also took action, delivering a letter to every house on their Delivering Steiger Middle East’s community broadening its online reach letters, offering hope Share your #HopeBeyondFear with the world! The hope of eternal life (Finland) street that opened, “Dear neighbors, If you have any health problems or do not want to put yourself at risk, we would like to help you!”
“One day, I went out for a walk with the kids, and I was thinking about how we could help our elderly neighbors,” Ania shares. “We decided to write a letter with an offer to help them, which also shared the message of the Gospel. Three neighbors have already answered positively! I encourage everyone to take practical action.”
Amidst the fear and anxiety caused by the coronavirus, it’s important that followers of Jesus continue sharing the truth that real hope is found only in Him! Over the past weeks, Steiger people from around the world have been taking photos of themselves in interesting locations, holding signs bearing thought-provoking messages, and posting them to social media with the hashtag #HopeBeyondFear. Create your sign and share a post of you with it today, using the same hashtag, to join us in encouraging a world in the throes of uncertainty!
Through this campaign, we are communicating relevant and encouraging messages that point people to Jesus and spark gospel conversations. Last week alone, we had close to a million engagements!
Nothing can stop a mighty move of God! Although the work He has called us to may look different during this season, the message is the same. We have hope in Jesus - hope beyond any fear. Hope looks like something; hope does something! Please pray that we would continue to be wise and find ways to share the message of Jesus with those so desperately needing to hear it!
“Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.” Romans 12:12
Experiencing God’s Presence at a Polish Club
“I never expected rock to have something to do with God. For me, it was just drugs, sex, and rock’n’roll - there was no place for God. But today I saw that God is present and real. I didn’t think that something like this could happen at a club.”
At the end of February, before the COVID-19 outbreak really hit, Steiger City Teams from around Poland came together for an incredible event! They offered workshops, screened and discussed Brian “Head” Welch’s documentary, Loud Krazy Love, and celebrated the release of The Unrest’s new album with a rockin’ show at a club in Wrocław!
Brian’s film depicts his journey from a life of addiction to a relationship with Christ, and he also recorded a short video sharing the message of the Gospel for the event. This led to a deep discussion about the meaning of life, relationships, faith and religion, and who God really is.
Later, Steiger band The Unrest debuted their new album, The Fight, clearly preaching the Gospel through their rock and rave show. Many people came forward to receive prayer, with four of them deciding to surrender their lives to Christ!
Nineteen-year-old Sasha, who works at the club, approached Steiger team member Ania after the show, with tears in her eyes. She said she now realized that there is a way out of depression and the loneliness of this lost world. She asked if Ania could pray for her, and then she gave her life to Jesus!
Sasha came to church the next day and was eager to know how she could get more involved. Ania invited Sasha to her home to spend time together, and they are still in regular contact! Due to the COVID-19 lockdown now in effect in Poland, the team has started an online Bible study around the theme “What God Wants to Tell Us Now.” Sasha is excited to be taking part in it, as she has many questions and wants to understand what God is saying in the Bible.
This generation is hungry for the truth of the Gospel, and we praise God for how it is spreading through Wrocław and all over Poland!

Join Steiger’s 24/7 Prayer Chain, where we have been praying together round the clock as a mission via Zoom since January 1, 2020!
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