International Newsletter August 2021
Altogether 2,000 people heard the gospel message through the show and around 50 people made decisions to follow Christ!
“As I stood under the huge bridge over the Vistula River in Warsaw, waiting for the ambulance to take the poor girl passed out on the floor, I watched the lost young guys and girls partying on, as if nothing had happened. We were supposed to play a concert and tell people about Jesus, but it was a tough atmosphere.
When I shared the message at the end, some listened but it felt like the barriers were up. I was reminded that reaching the lost takes persistence, anointing, and deep roots.
I believe God has called us to raise up a new missionary movement to reach the Global Youth Culture for Jesus. And it can only be done if bold and persistent men and women "watch their lives and doctrine" (1Timothy 4:16) with deep roots in a relationship with Jesus, walking in dependence on His anointing, diligently persevering through the good and the tough times.
Bring it on!” - Luke Greenwood, Steiger Europe Director
The show, “I Am” challenged the audience to consider their need for a Savior
Revolutionary Arts Tour: Poland
Led by our Steiger teams in Poland and after weeks of prayer and preparation, 30 young people from across Europe joined together to present an artistic performance that creatively and relevantly shared the Gospel. Over the course of three weeks, they did five performances in four different cities around Poland. Each night, the team would set up in the center of the city and invite people to stay and watch.
Through powerful music, dance, theater, and more, the artists grabbed people’s attention and relevantly shared the story of the Cross. Altogether 2,000 people heard the gospel message through the show and around 50 people made decisions to follow Christ.
One such woman saw the show in Wroclaw. She was so touched by the performance, she knew she had to make a change in her own life. So she spoke with team members and made the decision to follow Christ. Team members helped her get connected with a local pastor, and since that day she’s written to share that she experienced both water baptism and the baptism in the Holy Spirit!
“I’m speaking in a language I don’t even understand!” She shared. The pastor shared that the woman is growing more and more in her faith every day.
Please pray for our Steiger teams in Poland as they take this Revolutionary Arts Tour to 3 more cities across the country next month, that the Holy Spirit would continue to move and work powerfully through their art and conversations.
The team spoke with young person after young person who longed for a father’s love
People Couldn’t Pass By the Sign That Read, “My Dad Beat Me”
Jesus always went straight to the root of the problem. At the Special Edition SMS in Ukraine, the students did the same. With their project called, “The Father’s Heart,” they boldly addressed the problem of fatherlessness.
“My dad beat me.” “My father abandoned us.” “My dad doesn’t care about me.”
These were the messages on their signs - messages that, frankly, were relatable to far too many young people. They were bound together around a pile of children's toys that symbolized their broken childhoods. It was an installation that demanded to be noticed and easily provoked many conversations that gave students an opportunity to share the solution: God is the only Father who can give true, unconditional, and unlimited love. And He is fighting for His children to find Him again.
More often than not, young people are willing and hungry to talk about spiritual things if someone would just start the conversation in a relatable and intriguing way! Spend some time in prayer and hit the streets. Someone needs to tell the young people of your city about their loving Father. Will it be you?
As young people pass by, they often ask to join in the festivities themselves
Steiger Minneapolis (USA) Hits Their Stride
When City Team Leader Cyrena began leading the team in Minneapolis earlier this year, she wasn’t exactly sure how God would use her. Now the Team is 25 people strong and consistently active in team building and local outreach in the scene!
Their main focus this summer has been the Summer of Impact, where they go weekly to a local park in order to meet people and build community. New discipleship relationships are thriving as a result! Team member Bobbi shared about a young woman she’s been walking in discipleship with after they met during an outreach event. “She is in a place of searching and asking questions. It’s been so cool because Jesus has been reaching out to her and I get to walk with her through that.”
Please join us in praying that God would increase His impact through these discipleship relationships.

Our International Steiger Missions School in Germany has begun!
Please pray for the presence of God to be with every student, volunteer, and leader. We are trusting Him for health, protection, and many saved lives.

As a worldwide mission organization, Steiger consists of Missionaries, Staff, and Volunteers, who serve together in the common, God-given mission of reaching the Global Youth Culture for Jesus. Though we all have different gifts and talents, each of us has a specific and important role to play. Could God be calling YOU to join our team?
To see the roles we’re looking to add and register your interest go to
“As I stood under the huge bridge over the Vistula River in Warsaw, waiting for the ambulance to take the poor girl passed out on the floor, I watched the lost young guys and girls partying on, as if nothing had happened. We were supposed to play a concert and tell people about Jesus, but it was a tough atmosphere.
When I shared the message at the end, some listened but it felt like the barriers were up. I was reminded that reaching the lost takes persistence, anointing, and deep roots.
I believe God has called us to raise up a new missionary movement to reach the Global Youth Culture for Jesus. And it can only be done if bold and persistent men and women "watch their lives and doctrine" (1Timothy 4:16) with deep roots in a relationship with Jesus, walking in dependence on His anointing, diligently persevering through the good and the tough times.
Bring it on!” - Luke Greenwood, Steiger Europe Director

Revolutionary Arts Tour: Poland
Led by our Steiger teams in Poland and after weeks of prayer and preparation, 30 young people from across Europe joined together to present an artistic performance that creatively and relevantly shared the Gospel. Over the course of three weeks, they did five performances in four different cities around Poland. Each night, the team would set up in the center of the city and invite people to stay and watch.
Through powerful music, dance, theater, and more, the artists grabbed people’s attention and relevantly shared the story of the Cross. Altogether 2,000 people heard the gospel message through the show and around 50 people made decisions to follow Christ.
One such woman saw the show in Wroclaw. She was so touched by the performance, she knew she had to make a change in her own life. So she spoke with team members and made the decision to follow Christ. Team members helped her get connected with a local pastor, and since that day she’s written to share that she experienced both water baptism and the baptism in the Holy Spirit!
“I’m speaking in a language I don’t even understand!” She shared. The pastor shared that the woman is growing more and more in her faith every day.
Please pray for our Steiger teams in Poland as they take this Revolutionary Arts Tour to 3 more cities across the country next month, that the Holy Spirit would continue to move and work powerfully through their art and conversations.

People Couldn’t Pass By the Sign That Read, “My Dad Beat Me”
Jesus always went straight to the root of the problem. At the Special Edition SMS in Ukraine, the students did the same. With their project called, “The Father’s Heart,” they boldly addressed the problem of fatherlessness.
“My dad beat me.” “My father abandoned us.” “My dad doesn’t care about me.”
These were the messages on their signs - messages that, frankly, were relatable to far too many young people. They were bound together around a pile of children's toys that symbolized their broken childhoods. It was an installation that demanded to be noticed and easily provoked many conversations that gave students an opportunity to share the solution: God is the only Father who can give true, unconditional, and unlimited love. And He is fighting for His children to find Him again.
More often than not, young people are willing and hungry to talk about spiritual things if someone would just start the conversation in a relatable and intriguing way! Spend some time in prayer and hit the streets. Someone needs to tell the young people of your city about their loving Father. Will it be you?

Steiger Minneapolis (USA) Hits Their Stride
When City Team Leader Cyrena began leading the team in Minneapolis earlier this year, she wasn’t exactly sure how God would use her. Now the Team is 25 people strong and consistently active in team building and local outreach in the scene!
Their main focus this summer has been the Summer of Impact, where they go weekly to a local park in order to meet people and build community. New discipleship relationships are thriving as a result! Team member Bobbi shared about a young woman she’s been walking in discipleship with after they met during an outreach event. “She is in a place of searching and asking questions. It’s been so cool because Jesus has been reaching out to her and I get to walk with her through that.”
Please join us in praying that God would increase His impact through these discipleship relationships.

Our International Steiger Missions School in Germany has begun!
Please pray for the presence of God to be with every student, volunteer, and leader. We are trusting Him for health, protection, and many saved lives.

As a worldwide mission organization, Steiger consists of Missionaries, Staff, and Volunteers, who serve together in the common, God-given mission of reaching the Global Youth Culture for Jesus. Though we all have different gifts and talents, each of us has a specific and important role to play. Could God be calling YOU to join our team?
To see the roles we’re looking to add and register your interest go to