International Newsletter January 2019
NLM: Taking the Hope of Jesus to the Darkest Corners of Our Cities
“I had the opportunity to talk with a guy who had been crying during our show. He was pretty tough looking and his face was covered in piercings. He had been off drugs and alcohol for almost three years, and that night was on his way to an AA meeting when he passed by our stage and saw our show. He said something drew him in and he had to stay and watch.
He had heard about God many times and knew a lot of the Bible, but never wanted to follow Jesus. But that night, he experienced God’s presence like never before and decided to fully surrender! Everything he had, he would give over to Jesus, and he wanted to follow Him for the rest of his life!”
Steiger band No Longer Music has existed for over thirty years, touring the world to share the hope of Jesus in its darkest and most unreached corners. From December 10-19, the NLM team headed to a country where they had never before taken their show - Colombia. They performed ten times in ten days, hitting some of the poorest and most forgotten neighborhoods of Bogotá and its surrounding area, and shared the Gospel on a huge Latin American TV program and a secular radio show.
Organized by Steiger Latin America, the tour exceeded all their expectations, confirming again that we serve a God who is able to do immeasurably above all that we can ask or imagine!
The NLM team arrived during a critical time in the country’s post-electoral climate, when young people have often been protesting in the streets, resulting in riots and violence. Yet despite the difficulties this caused in obtaining permits for the shows, and amidst concern that people would be staying away from public gatherings out of fear, every performance drew huge crowds!
From the start, it was evident that God’s Spirit was moving in a very particular way. The team was continually led to pray for the sick and hurting, and people were not only being healed but were then giving their lives to Jesus, along with their friends and others who had witnessed these miracles.
“We were talking to three young men who were laughing and mocking after the concert, totally disinterested in our message. One of them had his arm bandaged, so we asked if we could pray for him, and he nodded as if to say, “Whatever, go ahead.” We prayed and he immediately started moving his wrist, not believing what had happened. He removed the bandage from his arm, while his friends stared in amazement. His arm was miraculously healed! After that, all three guys prayed to receive Jesus!”
Through No Longer Music’s tour of Colombia over 11,500 people heard the Gospel and many responded to the message every night. There were often so many asking for prayer that the NLM team, together with the local Steiger team, could barely accommodate them all!
The local churches that will be following up on those who prayed to receive Jesus have been extremely encouraged and are excited to see their communities growing! This tour is just one more stepping stone in creating a strong Steiger network throughout Latin America.
Thanks for your prayers and support that made this tour possible!

Steiger Poland Launches “The Rock Kultura”
On November 29th, The Rock Kultura, a Steiger Poland initiative in partnership with The Rock, one of Wroclaw’s local churches, held its first event.
The project is engaging with the students of the art school in whose building the church also meets. Every week, the team organizes art-related workshops, exhibitions, performances, film discussions, game nights, a cafe, and other activities, providing a relevant space where the Steiger team and the church can connect with the art students!
Participation has been fantastic so far, and with many of the same young people coming weekly, the team is not only able share the Gospel with them through the activities they’re offering, but is building deeper relationships that naturally lead to life-giving conversations!

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