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International Newsletter July 2021

International Newsletter July 2021
Let’s live out love, not just read about it!” That was the suggestion made by a secular young man who attends the Bible Study for the Non-Religious
International Newsletter July 2021 International Newsletter July 2021 International Newsletter July 2021 International Newsletter July 2021

“One night in Ukraine, the girls and I walked up the mountain. I wanted us all to go up together because I can feel God so clearly there. In the midst of the massive sky, it is so obvious that if He could create that, He could take care of any problems I have.

When I look inward and dwell on my worries and concerns, my problems only get bigger in my mind. But if I get out into nature and into what God has made, in other words, when I look up, I can breathe again.

My relationship with Jesus is everything to me. I wanted the girls to experience Him with me. It was just getting dark when we walked down the mountain. It was beautiful.” - Jodi Pierce

An Unprecedented Season in Beirut, Lebanon

“Let’s live out love, not just read about it!” That was the suggestion made by a secular young man who attends the Bible Study for the Non-Religious that our Beirut City Team holds in a coffee shop every week.

“After the lockdown,” says Steiger regional leader Lukas Rüegger, “the ministry picked up like crazy. People are so hungry and open, they literally flood our Bible study. It’s a core meeting place for new people. From there we invite them to movie and discussion nights and other creative events we organize with our team. We are seeing God move powerfully. Even before the actual salvation happens, many of the young people invite their friends to read the Bible with us. They are feeling the power of love and forgiveness. And all this is happening in a Muslim country!”

Please pray for the coffee shop ministry the Beirut City Team is launching, and for our developing City Team in Amman, Jordan. Though the culture is quite dangerous, City Team leader Luna is discipling and leading a group of young women and they are boldly sharing the Gospel.

Igniting a Holy Spirit Fire in Ukraine

Rain, heavy rain, was pouring outside. Should we cancel the creative evangelism? Postpone it?

Without hesitation, a group of fifty students and leaders from the SMS in Ukraine headed out to the streets of Lviv. The rain wasn’t going to stop them!

Regional leader Angela Tkachenko shared, “I was talking to two teenage girls in the pouring rain. They didn’t want to leave! We ended up praying the salvation prayer together.

We cannot be silent! I am grateful we didn’t let the rain stop us. Through three outreaches, more than 635 people heard the Gospel, 410 received prayer, and 33 accepted Jesus!”

Nearly 70 students and volunteers from seven different countries gathered together at the Regional SMS in Ukraine to understand the heart of God for this generation and gain skills to join in its redemption story. Not even the heaviest of rainfalls could put out the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Showing the True Jesus on the Streets of Colombia

Shouts of protest echo through the streets. Hundreds of young people are angry and hurt. But there’s another sound too - music. When protesters get closer, they see young people, like themselves, worshiping - some on their knees, others dancing, and still others holding signs, inviting protesters into conversation. One sign in particular stands out among the rest.

“We Christians ask for forgiveness for not showing the true Jesus.”

This was the scene university student Andrés encountered on the streets of Bogotá in early May. The message of Steiger Bogotá’s sign touched him deeply, and though he was an atheist, Andrés was eager to talk more with these followers of Christ. When team members invited him to join them for an online Bible Study for the Non-Religious, he accepted. Team member Diana shared, “He speaks very confidently from his atheist and communist viewpoint, but he has already connected with our Bible Study and likes to chat. We believe that God will do something deep in his heart.”

Nearly every day since the end of April, the Steiger Bogotá City Team has been going to the streets to connect with these protesters. And as a result, young people like Andrés are meeting the true Jesus - the only answer to their anger and pain.

Steiger Impact Trips 2021

You can be a part of reaching the Global Youth Culture for Jesus! Impact Trips are short trips to key cities around the world. Experience the broken heart of God for this generation and help bridge the gap between them and the Church.

Kyiv, Ukraine
July 29 - August 1

Southern Europe (Marseille, France and Lisbon, Portugal)
August 23 - September 5

Learn more and register now!

Steiger Missions School 2021
Missionary training to reach the Global Youth Culture

With over 100 people registered already from all over the world, we are eagerly awaiting a full school of passionate students at our International Center in Krögis, Germany.

Please pray for smooth border crossings considering the COVID situation. We believe God will make a way for everyone to arrive safely.

Watch this video about the Steiger Missions School to learn more
Rule #5: Find Common Ground!
Waiting for a Breakthrough










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