International Newsletter June 2020
We’ve grown to a mission with 100 missionaries in 20 countries around the world today!
Steiger Is Now 100 Missionaries Strong!
Starting in the 80’s as a small movement in Amsterdam, we’ve grown to a mission with 100 missionaries in 20 countries around the world today! This month you will hear from five of these missionaries, who have said YES to God’s radical call on their lives.

Julia Szachow
Age: 26
Attended SMS: 2017
Serving in: Wrocław, Poland
Role: Administration & Event Organization
"Being involved with Steiger has challenged my thinking and every aspect of my life. My heart softened and I started seeking God more deeply, becoming more courageous, and surrendering to Him daily.
Last year, I met Żaneta during a street outreach, and she was broken and in need of God. She surrendered her life to Jesus that night, and began hanging out at our community house every week - growing quickly in her relationship with Jesus. We became friends, and she moved into our community house at the beginning of January. I’m privileged to have a discipleship relationship with her - sharing life together and learning from her, as well.”

Isaac Hurst
Age: 22
Attended SMS: 2014
Serving in: Steiger Media
Role: Podcast Producer & Content Creator at Steiger Media, Drummer & Equipment Manager for NLM
“I love the way Steiger uses art, music, and creativity to reach people. We are passionate about being fully present in a city - getting out into the scene
I’m No Longer Music’s drummer and the podcast producer for Provoke & Inspire. Our podcast has grown so much since we started in 2017. Listeners tell us how it has encouraged and impacted them - that they’ve started taking more risks in their own lives, using their unique talents and gifts to share the Gospel. I love hearing how the podcast challenges believers and causes them to take greater steps of faith!”

Allison Pinzon
Age: 24
Attended SMS: 2018
Serving in: Pioneer Team & Bogota, Colombia Team
Role: Pioneer Team Activity Manager & Steiger Latin America Translation Coordinator
“I’m part of Steiger’s Pioneer Team, a mobile team that helps develop Steiger City Teams in new locations. Last year, God gave us the grace to easily
While looking for a place to share the Gospel one night in Amsterdam, we miraculously got into a big party for free. It was my first time preaching in an environment like that and afterwards, God led me to a girl named Dayana. I prayed with her and God spoke clearly to her about coming back to Him. This really surprised her, because she was walking away from God. I’m still in contact with Dayana and it’s beautiful to see how she is growing in her faith!”

Sandro Baggio
Age: 52
Steiger Missionary since: 2004
Serving in: São Paulo, Brazil
Role: Pastor & Mentor
“Steiger’s vision impacted me during its early years in Amsterdam! I joined the movement when I reconnected with David in 2000 and began organizing No Longer Music’s tours in Brazil.
In 2002, NLM played at the infamous Madam Satan gothic club in São Paulo for the second time. Our first experience there the previous year had been hard, so we were anxious and praying for God to move. At the end of the show, the place was in tears and the Spirit of God was moving in people’s hearts in an amazing way. We ran out of the copies of Luke’s Gospel, that we had taken to give out, as people rushed to take them from our hands. I will never forget that evening.”

Denis Malimonov
Age: 28
Attended SMS: 2016
Serving in: Kiev, Ukraine
Role: Evangelism & Discipleship in the Russian-speaking World
“Four years ago, I started leading outreaches in Kiev, coming up with methods like “Message from God” and the “Miracle Chair” to creatively start conversations and share Jesus on the streets of my city. Now, 70 teams around the world regularly preach the Gospel using these ideas.
I’m also helping our teams develop in discipleship. Two years ago, we started to preach in night clubs at rave parties, building relationships with people and learning to understand their “language.” In April 2019, my friend and I started a Bible study for those we’ve met there. Now, 25 people come every week, and five of them have given their lives to Jesus!”

Join Steiger’s 24/7 Prayer Chain, where we have been praying together round the clock as a mission via Zoom since January 1, 2020!
For more info and to sign up on the Calendly app:

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