International Newsletter March 2017
Stunts like this, and other crazy and creative ways of reaching out to people in our cities with the hope of Jesus, have been featured on television interviews or in articles in local newspapers. Some people have even started calling us “Greenpeace for Jesus.” We love it because the media attention gives us the opportunity to reach so many more people with the Gospel!
Take last year during the Easter season, for example. We staged a big crucifixion art project in the center of Zurich - Switzerland’s largest city - and about 100,000 people witnessed it when it was covered by TV journalists. We were able to tell the world that Easter is more than just hunting for eggs or spending money; it’s about Jesus dying for our sin.
I’ve recently become part of the staff for the Steiger Missions School in Krögis, Germany, leading the students in weekly times of evangelism in the nearby city of Dresden, and in some of Europe’s largest music and art festivals. It’s a great challenge and so amazing to see them putting into practice all that God is teaching and working in them through the school! Last year, during these times, we saw so many people receive encouragement, healing and prayer; hear the truth about Jesus for the very first time, and come into a new relationship with him!
My wife, Nadine, and I also run a community house in the mountains of Switzerland, where we live with our four young children and several other believers. We often host visitors who are spiritual seekers, offering them the space and the opportunity to meet Jesus and to be discipled.
For many years, my family and I felt mostly alone in our creative and radical way of sharing the Gospel here in Switzerland. Now, being part of Steiger is like coming home! For us, it’s a great pleasure to belong to the Steiger family and we’re very grateful that God has brought us together.
Stephan Maag
New Steiger missionary from Switzerland
Provoke & Inspire Seminar Europe Tour
Come&Live! is excited to present Provoke & Inspire - a worldwide series of seminars for Christian creatives! These events are designed to awaken and empower artists to use their God-given creativity to revolutionize the world, both locally and globally, for Jesus!
We have the amazing capacity to influence the Global Youth Culture with our gifts and our voice! This world is desperately in need of artists who will use the talent they’ve been given to share the life-changing message of Jesus Christ outside of the church!
Help us spread the word!
Europe Tour Dates
March 13 Kiev, Ukraine
March 29 Berlin, Germany
April 1 Warsaw, Poland
Go to:
Steiger Missions School
Missionary Training to the Global Youth Culture
God’s heart is broken for this lost generation. Is He calling you to reach them?
Steiger International Center
(Krögis, Germany)
June 16 - August 22, 2017
The application deadline for the Steiger Missions School is March 31st. There is limited space, so APPLY NOW!
Apply today to attend SMS17!