International Newsletter March 2019
This year, on and around February 14th, Steiger Union engaged in a total of 35 Valentine’s Day outreaches in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and yes - even six cities in Russia!
“Just one year ago, I was looking for people in Russia who wanted to join me in doing evangelism, and not one person responded,” recalls Steiger missionary Denis Malimonov.
The outreaches had the goal of sharing a singular message - the story of our one true love, Jesus!
Among them, was the one in Izhevsk, Russia, where only a week prior, two Steiger Union team members had come to inspire young people to creatively share the Gospel on the streets of their city. It was the their first experience with this kind of street evangelism!
“We are very grateful to the guys from Steiger for what they taught us and how they inspired us! Our second outreach, on Valentine’s Day, was a real breakthrough for us! We baked 170 heart-shaped cookies and we gave them away to passersby, along with “Messages of Love” - Bible verses about God’s love. We were able to pray for many people and have become even bolder!”
In Mukachevo, Ukraine young people from four different churches united for a creative flash mob in their city center, involving 300 heart-shaped balloons bearing the word “love”.
“For many who we spoke with afterwards, it was a new discovery, as they had never thought of God as loving."
"One woman asked us to pray for her because she had always thought of God as a rigorous judge. After we prayed, she was in tears, and said that she now believed in a God who loves her.”
“People were unexpectedly surprised that we would come out to the streets to talk to them, to explain the real meaning of love,” says Nataliya, of the outreach in Sumy, Ukraine. “Everyone we met was so open, some coming to us to ask for a Bible verse. It was a cold day, at -6ºC (21ºF), but it was worth our efforts!”
In Kharkov, Ukraine, they were looking for fresh ideas for their Valentine’s outreach.
“In the end, we simply set up a magnetic board and markers in the foyer of Kharkov University, and invited students to write what love is to them. We then told them about the most famous love story of all time. The bottom line? It took minimal effort to prepare, and we saw a great response, with 100 Gospels being given away!”

Global Youth Summit
Reaching the Largest UNreached Culture Ever to Exist!
Join church and missions leaders, and young people from Europe and beyond, to tackle the question of how to reach the Global Youth Culture for Jesus.
This unique, festival-style conference is sure to inspire, energize, and equip you.
Powerful teaching sessions will provide crucial insights about the globalized culture we live in. You will be equipped with principles and models (art, music, apologetics, digital, street, etc.) for relevantly sharing Jesus and making disciples among young people who would not usually walk into a church.
Intense times of prayer, worship, and community will provide opportunities to connect and unite with Kingdomminded people from all over Europe and beyond.
Steiger International Center - Krögis, Germany
Co-hosted by Steiger International and The Lausanne Movement

Steiger Missions School
Do you want to grow in intimacy with God, and learn to effectively and relevantly share Jesus and make disciples among young people who would not normally walk into a church?
Apply to the Steiger Missions School!
SMS 1: April 26 - July 2
SMS 2: July 26 - October 1
For more information and to apply:

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