International Newsletter October 2017
Music’s tour of Turkey, slated for August 2017. Obtaining official permission for our shows was proving to be impossible, and our local partners were not sure how the Gospel would be received during such intense times.
Still, after much prayer and discussion, we remained convinced that we shouldn’t allow circumstances to deter us, and that we needed to go and share the message of Jesus in this predominantly Muslim country, however we could.
We decided to put together a street show that could be performed quickly, multiple times per night, and without official permission, and then we set off on an 8-day tour of the country. Despite occasional challenges with police and some people angry with our message, we saw God move powerfully!
We experienced people breaking down in tears, thanking us, saying, “Please keep bringing this message to everyone in Turkey! Our country needs to hear it! Thank you so much for coming.”
In Istanbul, we decided to do our show in a very busy area, outside of the ferry terminal that connects the Asian part of the city with the European part. A large crowd gathered to watch us.
There is always a risk that some radical Muslim groups will react, and as Jodi stood in the audience that night, she sensed that tension was rising. The crowd watching was so large, and with the undercover police walking among them, the situation threatened to turn violent.
When I mentioned the name of Jesus during my preaching, a man angrily came towards me and tried to take away my microphone, but I refused to give it to him. He shouted at the audience, trying to stir them up against us, but everyone ignored him. Instead, many raised their hands and said they wanted to know more about Jesus! It was an amazing night.
Altogether, more than 4000 people came to our 16 shows in Turkey. A total of 241 signed up for the Turkish Bible correspondence course, and 157 people requested that someone contact them personally to talk more about Jesus!
Our local partners in Turkey will be getting in touch with each of these people individually. The church there has said that because of our tour and its fruit, they feel much more encouraged to be bold and to preach the Gospel clearly, not listening to fear.
Thank you for your prayer and support that have made this possible!
David Pierce
Founder of Steiger International
Hope Rising In the Middle East
For many Christians living in the West, the Middle East evokes images of religious extremism and constant war - a place beyond the reach of the Gospel.
Is this truly the case?
Hope Rising is a powerful 45-minute documentary that tells the story of how the international Christian rock band No Longer Music first started touring and preaching the Gospel in the Middle East.
Watch the documentary NOW!
We encourage you to gather friends and family, to host a screening of Hope Rising in your home!
Two Steiger Mission School in 2018
SMS 1: April 27 - July 3
SMS 2: July 27 - October 2
For the first time ever, there will be TWO separate Steiger Missions Schools in 2018.
Both schools will take place at the Steiger International Center in Krögis, Germany, and they will be identical in content and structure.
The SMS is intended for people with a wide variety of gifting and background who feel called to join Steiger’s mission to reach and disciple the Global Youth Culture for Jesus.
Applications for both schools open on October 1, 2017.
More information: