International Newsletter October 2018
Steiger Unleashes Another Wave of World Changers!
This year, 93 students from 12 nations attended one of the two sessions of the Steiger Missions School.
These ten-week schools, led by Jodi Pierce and a strong international team, are a key step in Steiger’s mobilization strategy, designed to raise up the next generation of Steiger missionaries reaching the Global Youth Culture around the world.
The Steiger Missions School (SMS) combines three key elements:
- Seeking God (disconnect from the internet, Seeking God Days, and daily times of worship and prayer)
- Top academic instruction from seasoned practitioners on reaching the Global Youth Culture
- Practical engagement (weekly creative, evangelistic outreach in Dresden and a week-long outreach to Amsterdam)
We are excited to see what God will do through the lives of these students!
To follow the SMS, check out our Steiger Missions School Facebook page:
SMS Amsterdam Outreach
Both of the 2018 sessions of the Steiger Missions School spent a week in the city of Amsterdam, sharing Jesus on the streets and in the main squares of the city. We partnered with YWAM Amsterdam and several local churches, engaging in flash mobs, dramatic processions, and public worship. We performed dances and dramas, and communicated the Gospel through paintings, live music, and other means that easily led to conversations about the meaning of life, the loving Father who created us, and His son Jesus who came to reconcile us to Himself.
There are so many stories of how God moved through our teams! Among them was the instance where a couple of our students stopped a Dutch man, asking if he had pain in his knee. He confirmed that he did, and was, in fact, unable to bend his leg. After they prayed for him, he was not only healed instantly, bending his knee and jumping excitedly, but he was so grateful to God that He gave his life to Jesus on the spot.
During the course of the two week-long Amsterdam outreaches, our students had meaningful, Gospel-centered conversations with approximately 3,400 people and they were able to pray with more than 2,000 of them. They witnessed about 58 physical healings in response to their prayers and 128 of those they spoke with surrendered their lives to Christ. Whenever possible, they connected people to our local partner churches so they might continue to grow. The students and staff of the first session of SMS 2018
The Unrest Preaching Jesus in Southern Europe
From September 8-22, Riot Rock band The Unrest, led by vocalist and Steiger Europe Director Luke Greenwood, engaged in a tour of Italy, France, Spain, and Portugal. This region of Europe, often considered “The Missionary Graveyard,” is less than 1% Evangelical Christian, and only a dozen of its young people have gone through the Steiger Missions School. Steiger missionaries, Denny and Maureen Hurst, who have lived and served in the region for 33 years and who organized this tour, are committed to seeing a breakthrough for Jesus there.
The Unrest performed eight shows in bars, alternative cultural centers, and on the streets, reaching a total of 1200 people with the Gospel. In Faro, where the Hursts live, several young people they know were very touched by the message and went home with Bibles, desiring to learn more about Christ.
Please pray for all those who heard the Good News through this tour! We believe the promise of Isaiah 55:11, that the message always achieves the purpose for which God sent it.
Join the Steiger Team!
Do you have a passion for reaching this lost generation around the world? Would you love to use your talent and experience to support frontline missionaries?
Steiger Organizational Support Roles
Steiger is growing rapidly around the world! In order to support our frontline missionaries, Steiger is seeking to fill the following organizational support roles:
- Steiger Missions School (SMS) Operations Manager
- Mobilization Director - Europe
- Mobilization Director - USA
- "Next Steps" Director
- International Human Resource Director
- Steiger International Center Operations Manager
- No Longer Music Tour Planning Director
- Steiger International Center Hospitality Manager
IMPORTANT! Please note that these are missionary roles, which means that they require personal fundraising, as is our policy for all our missionaries. Steiger will provide training, resources (marketing materials, online donation page, back office support, etc.), and coaching to help you become fully funded.
To learn more and to apply, go to: