Resource Library
Resource Library
Bring the love and truth of Jesus to a sexually broken and confused generation.
Part 1 - Love is love?
Bringing the truth and love of Jesus into identity and gender confusion
Part 2 - Free sex?
Bringing the hope of Jesus to those devastated by the effects of pornography and cheap sex

We live in a time of unprecedented global connectedness. An entire generation has grown up on video games, pornography, and social media. We are told that the key to happiness is found within. Just do what feels right for you. Don’t let anyone tell you who you are, or what you want.
This may sound liberating, but we are anything but free.
Devoid of a moral compass, an “anything goes” attitude has been adopted when it comes to sexuality. Sex is meaningless, gender a personal choice, and monogamy a joke.
We have become slaves to the ever-elusive high of sexual experiences. Widespread exposure to pornography is literally rewiring our brains and distorting our views on love and relationships.
This is leading to an epidemic of loneliness, anxiety, depression, and suicide.
Sadly, this generation is not looking to the church for answers. They see the church as judgemental, bigoted, and on the “wrong side of history.”
How can we show them the truth? How can we demonstrate the love of Jesus in a way they’ll understand?