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What We Believe

What We Believe

Steiger Core Values

Steiger is experiencing explosive growth around the world, and while this is exciting, we recognize that this comes with a danger of forgetting who we are and how we got here.

We have prayerfully identified six core values that anchor us even as our strategies may change depending on the context that we are in. All of those who represent Steiger around the world can be identified by their commitment to these core values.

They are:

Seek God

We believe that God rewards those who seek Him with a desperate heart.

We know that if God takes his hand off us, we are dead, and that without His power our efforts to reach people will fail. It is not our plans or strategies that change the world, but the infusion of God’s power into all He asks us to do.

With this in mind we push ourselves and each other to desperately seek God through diligent prayer, in-depth study of His Word, and passionate worship.

Preach the Cross

The world is broken, and people are hurt and lost. This is the consequence of our sin and rebellion, and only Jesus’ death and resurrection can break the power it has over us.

That’s why we will always preach ‘Christ and Him Crucified,’ believing that when we do, God unleashes His power and lives are changed.

Because culture and contexts are always changing, we are always asking God for relevant ways to preach the Cross, while recognizing that it will always be foolish and difficult.

Be Relevant

Jesus was relevant, and we aim to model ourselves after him. He knew people in an intimate way, and because of this was able to communicate his message powerfully.

We want to do the same. We push beyond the surface to connect with people. We share our lives, and in the process God breaks our hearts for them.

Only then can we communicate the message of the Cross in a language that the Global Youth Culture will understand. While at the same time, never changing, obscuring, or omitting the biblical Gospel message.

Relevance is never about popularity, it’s about clarity; wanting nothing to obscure the Gospel from being understood.

Strive for Holiness

God has called us to go outside the church, and to share our lives with those who are far from Him, without conforming to the moral standards of the world.

In Steiger, we value a holy and pure lifestyle out of a sincere desire to obey and serve God. We take sin seriously, embrace accountability, and hold each other to high standards.

We strive for Holiness in the hope that nothing in our lives will be a barrier to God using us to share his love with the Global Youth Culture.

Have Courage

You can have a broken heart for the lost, pray desperately, have a deep understanding of the people you are trying to reach, but without courage you will do nothing.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather a willingness to step through fear. Steiger believes this courage comes from a deep trust in God and His promises developed by diligent study of His word and daily commitment to seeking Him.

Steiger seeks the courage to defy conventional thinking, ask for extraordinary things of God, speak the truth boldly even if it is not popular, take great risks, and sacrifice safety, security and reputation all for the sake of the Gospel.

We are Family

We are called to reach the Global Youth Culture for Jesus, but we can not do it as individuals.

Because on our own, we lack the needed gifts, insights, and abilities to see God's work accomplished through us. Together, we are stronger than we ever will be apart!

But we are not just co-workers, we are family. This means we care for each other, have each other’s back and stick together in good and hard times.

Statement of Faith

Steiger believes the Bible is the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.

Steiger believes in the deity and humanity of Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His present rule as Head of the Church and in His personal return in power and glory.

Steiger believes that for the salvation of lost and sinful human beings, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential.

Steiger believes in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.

Steiger believes in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost, they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.

Steiger believes that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Steiger believes in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, with equality across racial, gender and class differences.

Steiger And The Church Statement

Steiger is not a local church

Our desire is to serve, strengthen, and support the local church, particularly as specialists in the area of reaching the Global Youth Culture.

Steiger doesn’t plant churches

Steiger is not called to be a church denomination or church planting organization. We serve and partner with established local churches and/or church planters.

We are committed church members

Steiger highly values the local church and Steiger team members are committed and active members of local churches.

We believe in the unity of the Church

We work with churches across denominational lines (who are aligned with our statement of faith) and where possible, multiple churches in the same city.

We want to partner with the Church to reach young people for Jesus

We establish mutually beneficial partnerships where the Church and our teams can reach young people together, with both contributing towards that goal.

We believe in sending people out

Based on the principle we see in the early Church in the book of Acts, we believe it is good for a church to send out and support people to serve in missions, whether locally or in other locations. As a mission, we want to be a channel for that happening, with those going out having the blessing of a sending church.










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