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Millions of Millennials and Gen Zs in Europe and around the world will not step foot into a church.

This is not just a trend or statistics; these are our brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, friends, and co-workers. As followers of Jesus, it’s clear that we need to respond… but how?

Steiger’s vision is to raise up a radical missionary movement that will transform the Global Youth Culture for Jesus.

In 2023, our Steiger Europe teams are active in 40 cities, reaching thousands of young people who would not walk into a church.

What do we do?

  1. We mobilize next generation leaders and influencers to impact secular culture
  2. We establish long-term city teams that reach and disciple the Global Youth Culture
  3. We train the church to reach secular culture

What do we expect in 2023?

  • Regular evangelistic actions in 40 cities
  • 40,000 young people will hear the gospel in person
  • 400 will be discipled through follow-up meetings and Bible studies
  • 15,000 believers will be trained to reach secular culture

Where are we active?

Germany, Austria, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, UK, France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Slovakia, Czechia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia and Kosovo!

Would you help us reach our 2023 budget needs?

Close to 180 team members are developing our work in Europe, and 80% of them are volunteers! Our full-time leaders and missionaries work at raising their own support, equivalent to around 50% of our total budget, and not represented in the numbers below.

What will your support go towards?

  • €100 per month can help support one of our Steiger City Team leaders.
  • €1.000 provides a scholarship for a young European to attend the Steiger Missions School.
  • €2.000 fuels an Impact event with training and evangelistic actions with local churches. We plan to run 20 of these events in 2023.
  • €2.500 funds a large impact evangelistic event or concert in a city. We've planned 4 tours in 2023, covering around 10 cities per tour.
  • €5.000 helps fuel a Steiger movement in a city for the whole year, including regular evangelistic and discipleship projects.
  • €10.000 funds a community house or similar space for discipleship.

€242.890 raised of €343.300

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Internationales Steiger Zentrum e.V.
Deutsche Kreditbank AG
IBAN: DE24 1203 0000 1020 3030 28
Reference Code: Donation Europe 23 

Info: Ab einem Spendenbetrag von 50 € versenden wir Spendenbescheinigungen für das Finanzamt nach Ablauf eines Kalenderjahrs. Hierzu bitten wir, Namen und Anschrift im Verwendungszweck anzugeben. Für geringere Beträge gilt der Einzahlungsbeleg als Spendenbescheinigung.


Fundacja Steiger Polska
BNP Paribas Bank Polska Spółka Akcyjna
ul. Kasprzaka 2, 01-211 Warszawa

IBAN Number: PL71 1750 0012 0000 0000 3289 9382
Swift Code: PPABPLPK
NIP: 8943074068
REGON: 363818110

Transfer Title: Donation Europe 23

United Kingdom

Donate on our Stewardship page


Steiger France
9 Rue Caisserie
13002 Marseille

Bank: CCM Marseille Vieux Port Carnot
33 Rue De la République 13002 Marseille
IBAN: FR76 1027 8079 4400 0208 2790 132

Reference Code: Donation Europe 23


Steiger Suomi ry
Mäenpääntie 42
45700 Kuusankoski

Bank: Kymenlaakson Osuuspankki
IBAN: FI47 5750 0120 4510 84
Reference number: 5021

Rahankeräysluvan numero (Permission number for Money collection): RA/2020/861

Keräyksellä saadut varat käytetään evankeliointityöhön ja evankelioinnin koulutustyöhön. (The funds obtained from the collection are used for evangelization work and training of evangelization.)

Additional information: suomi@steiger.org

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