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Mobilizing followers of Jesus to reach young people who would not walk into a church


Mobilizing followers of Jesus to reach young people who would not walk into a church

In our country, millions of young Americans have a distorted view of God and will not walk into a church today. For many of us, this is not just a trend or statistic; these are our sons, daughters and grandkids.

Our vision is to mobilize followers of Jesus to reach the next generation by establishing 20 Steiger City Teams in North America by 2025.

A Steiger City Team is a dynamic, bold, and multi-gifted team that mobilizes followers of Jesus to reach young people of their city who would not walk into a church.

Today, we are actively building teams in Minneapolis, Denver, Houston, Sacramento and Reno, with new developments in other cities all over the country.

And for every Steiger City Team funded in North America, Steiger will also establish at least one more in another country. So the impact is doubled and truly global.

Each Steiger City Team has four main goals:

  1. Equip and unify the local church to effectively reach secularized culture in their communities
  2. Raise up the next generation of Christian leaders and influencers to impact our secularized culture
  3. Transform the culture by being relationally present and engaging in bold, creative evangelism in the secular scene
  4. Multiply the impact by fostering a culture of “disciples who make disciples, who make disciples”


You can choose to allocate your funds to a specific city team or help pioneer new city teams throughout the region.

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Steiger Champion Monthly Giving Program


Costs and Metrics

  • At a cost of $249,750 per year, Steiger can achieve the following annual results (scalable) in a city once a team is fully established (2 years):
    • Train over 2,000 in person to effectively reach secularized culture in their communities
    • Raise up over 100 young Christian leaders and influencers through Steiger’s multi-faceted mobilization and leadership development program
    • Reach over 10,000 people through relational presence in the secular scene, creative evangelism, and large-scale evangelistic events
    • Engage in over 200 multiplying discipleship relationships (disciples who make disciples)
  • For every Steiger City Team funded in the USA, Steiger will also establish at least one more in another country. So the impact is doubled and truly global.
  • Steiger City Teams are volunteer-driven and local church fueled
    • At least 20:1 volunteer to staff ratio
    • Training facilities and other expenses covered by local churches
  • Within 3 years, Steiger City Teams are 100% financially self-sustained from local sources and actively pioneering teams in other cities leading to multiplication

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