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International Newsletter April 2013

Dear Friends

While the band was setting up, I asked for the guard's permission to talk to the prisoners who were watching us from the prison blocks surrounding the exercise yard.



The guards told me it was ok as long as they could see me.  So my Polish translator and I looked for the toughest guy in every cell block and I invited them to our concert. I also told them to get everyone else in their block to come. All the men I talked to said they would.

As we set up, the prisoners slowly gathered and by the time we started half of the prison, 500 men, came to watch!  They were totally into the concert and clapped and cheered after every song.
The prison guards couldn't believe it. Normally when a band plays in that prison, there is no reaction and nobody comes into the yard!

When we came to the part of the concert where we show  how Jesus died and rose again, the power of the Holy Spirit was so strong that even the prison guards were moved. I felt God's love for these prisoners in such a powerful way.
I invited the prisoners to respond to the message by coming forward and standing with us in the middle of the field in front of the other inmates.  In this extremely tough environment, 60 men made their way to the middle and gave their lives to Jesus, including some of the toughest-looking men.

The prison chaplain now runs a weekly bible study for all the men that responded and many prisoners asked us to please come back again. So our plan is to return to this prison this summer during the Polish leg of our No Longer Music tour.
Thank you for your support that makes it possible for the love of Jesus to be proclaimed where it's rarely heard.

For the lost,
David Pierce
No Longer Music

We Need You!

In order to take these unique opportunities to present the Gospel, we need people who will partner with us financially.  A contribution of any size can be made online at www.steiger.org/donate (be sure to include "NLM Tour" in the comment box).

Sponsor a No Longer Music Concert!


This year No Longer Music will be preaching the Gospel in up to 15 countries all over Europe, South America, Asia and the Middle East. Thanks to multiple teams and the addition of a Mobile Stage Truck, we are planning more No Longer Music concerts than any time in recent history. We have faith that thousands will respond to the Gospel at NLM concerts this year.

Please prayerfully consider "sponsoring" a concert. A sponsorship gift of US$2,000 (partial sponsorship possible also) will enable "No Longer Music" to conduct a concert reaching lost secular youth for Jesus. This is also a great way for a church, small group or family to come together to "adopt" a concert. As a "Concert Sponsor", you can choose a concert in a particular country and will receive the following:

Before the concert:
  • Description of the concert, venue, type of people in attendance
  • List of prayer requests from the local church partner

After the concert:
  • A report describing the concert and the fruit, including pictures and testimonies
  • A short video (1-3 minutes) summarizing the concert

For more information, please contact aaron@steiger.org.

To sponsor a concert, make a donation to Steiger (www.steiger.org/donate) and include "NLM Concert - *country of concert" in the memo, purpose of donation or comment box.

2013 NLM Tour Prayer Requests:
  • Pray for the NLM rehearsals which started on March 26th.
  • Pray for the NLM "Send Off" Shows in Sioux Falls, Des Moines and Minneapolis (see www.steiger.org/sendoff for more info).
  • Pray for the local tour organizers in each country.
  • Pray that hundreds of people will give their lives to Jesus during the NLM tours.

Steiger Gathering, New Zealand

Sunday 14 April, Tauranga
Do you want to know more about what Steiger does globally?  What about our plans specifically for New Zealand and Australia? Are you interested in finding out how you can get more involved?

David Pierce and other Steiger leaders will be sharing more of Steiger's strategic plans and providing opportunities for questions and discussion at an informal meeting in Tauranga.

Where/When:  Bethlehem Baptist, 90 Bethlehem Rd, Tauranga, Sunday 14 April 1-3pm.

What: BBQ lunch (bring meat for the BBQ) followed by presentations from various leaders from around the world.

Any enquiries to Kate or Vanessa on (07) 929 6690 or nz@steiger.org.

NLM concert at a Polish prisonNLM concert at a Polish prisonNLM concert at a Polish prisonNLM concert at a Polish prisonNLM concert at a Polish prisonNLM concert at a Polish prisonSMS13 - Join us!    
International Newsletter May 2013
International Newsletter March 2013










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