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International Newsletter April 2015

The war in Eastern Ukraine has caused a lot of suffering, fear and insecurity. The people there desperately need hope!
We know that Jesus is the only hope for our broken world!

So what better way to impact an incredibly difficult situation than equipping and sending out a bunch of young Ukrainians who are passionately and courageously demonstrating and proclaiming the Love and Truth of Jesus in their country?!?!

Last month, I had the amazing privilege of traveling around Ukraine teaching at Steiger "Compact" schools in 4 cities (Kiev, Sumy, Zaporozhye and Dnepropetrovsk).

The trip was intense with full days of teaching/preaching and long overnight drives (or train rides) to the next city.

Over 150 students from 20 cities throughout Ukraine, including several students from the Donetsk region (the center of the fighting) attended the five-day long schools. It was awesome to see their hunger for Jesus and their desire to reach the people of their country.

Please pray that God continues to empower the students that attended the Compact Schools and that they will have an eternal impact on their country!

We expect 10-20 of these students to participate in our full Steiger Missions School (SMS) in Germany this summer. They will join around 50 other Ukrainians that have attended the SMS in the last 4 years.

After those years of investment (most of have received 90% scholarships), it's beautiful to see how many Ukrainian-led Steiger ministries are being established reaching secular young people throughout the country.

Thank you for your prayers! It is a privilege to partner with YOU in impacting our world for Jesus!

For the lost!

Aaron Pierce


NLM Tour 2015

The world is on fire. From the ongoing war in Ukraine, unspeakable violence in the Middle East, to the brokenness in our very own country, it all can seem so hopeless!

But there is hope! The Gospel has the power to change the world.

How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?

We will go! Will you send us?

This year, the No Longer Music teams will be preaching the Gospel in more countries than ever before.
This includes some very unreached Muslim countries like Turkey and Lebanon, highly secular countries in Western Europe like Spain and Portugal, and Eastern European countries like Russia and war-torn Ukraine.

See www.steiger.org/nlmtour for more detail.

But we can not do this alone!
We need radical prayer warriors and generous givers to partner with us in spreading the Hope of Jesus to those who are hopeless.

Financially Support the tour!

We depend on the financial gifts of those who believe in No Longer Music. A contribution of any size can be made online at www.steiger.org/donate (be sure to include "NLM Tour" in the comment box) or see the end of this letter for more giving options. For information about sponsoring a concert, go to www.steiger.org/nlmtour

Join the No Longer Music
24 Hour Prayer Chain

To sign up to pray for NLM for 1 hour every week for the duration of the tour, please go to: www.steiger.org/nlmprayer
You will receive regular prayer requests throughout tour.



Steiger Compact School in Ukraine Aaron Pierce teaching at SCS Ukraine 2015 Chad Johnson teaching at SCS Ukraine 2015 Steiger Compact School in Ukraine
Last year, NLM proclaimed the Gospel near the warzone in Eastern Ukraine, during Ramadan in Albania, on the streets of Turkey and many other places. Click these short video links below to see the ministry in action:

Ukraine - vimeo.com/steigerint/ukraine

Albania - vimeo.com/steigerint/albania

Turkey - vimeo.com/steigerint/turkey

National Couch Surfing Network

Jesus said "Go into all the nations and make disciples". But what if the nations are coming to your house?

The Tauranga team of Steiger NZ have had the opportunity to share Jesus with hundreds of backpackers who want to connect with local kiwis, using the Couchsurfing Network (www.couchsurfing.com). We are developing a network of Christians who are signed up on couch surfers who have a passion to present Jesus to backpackers traveling through New Zealand - people who would rather meet kiwis than stay in hostels. By using this network one can sow the seed and others can water it!

For more information about connecting with our Christian Couchsurfing Network in New Zealand email: vika@steiger.org

Jandal Journeys

Do you want to tell backpackers about Jesus?
Do you want to backpack around NZ yourself?
Why not do both at the same time?

Jandal Journeys is a short-term missions opportunity for those who want to share the love of Jesus with backpackers around New Zealand.
Through this two-week to three-month journey (with some days training at the start) you can travel one of the most beautiful countries in the world. You will stay in local hostels and hang out with people from different nationalities, creating opportunities to share the Gospel with them!
Backpackers are searching, so this is a relevant way to courageously share Jesus while serving with Steiger in New Zealand!

See New Zealand! Stay in hostels! Share Jesus!

For more information on prices and dates contact: jandaljourneys@steiger.org
or visit our website: nz.steiger.org

International Newsletter May 2015
International Newsletter March 2015










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