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International Newsletter August 2013

Dear Friends

Last year, No Longer Music performed a concert in the center of the muslim city of Lushnjë, Albania. Hundreds of people responded to the Gospel that night. On July 11th and 12th of this year, we had planned to perform there again.



However, the day before our concert, we were denied permission due to pressure from Muslim groups who were upset by the proclamation of the Gospel in their city last year. Our local organizers worked hard to convince city officials to let us play, but in the end they stood strong and wouldn't give us permission.

But with that door closed, God opened another one.

Our local partners were able to get permission to perform in Kuçova, Albania. During the communist times, the city was known as "Stalin". This is an unreached city with a population of around 31,000 people and no church.

The mayor and cultural director of the city were really excited for us to play and gave us permission to perform in the center of the city.

As we waited for the show to start, we quickly realized this was going to be a big night. People were streaming in from everywhere. You would never have known this was an unplanned show with no advertisement! Our local promoter guessed that 3,000 people were present at the show - or around 10% of the entire population of this unreached town!

After the concert Ben and Aaron boldly preached the Gospel, hundreds prayed out loud to receive Jesus and 130 people signed up to learn more about following Jesus!

Watch the summary video of this concert HERE

After the concert, the mayor and a few government officials personally thanked us for being there and said that next time they would make our concert into a big city-wide event and that at least 5,000 people would be there.

Our local partners now have plans to plant a church in this town. A local government official has even offered a space for a church free of rent! Please pray that a vibrant church would develop. We are so thankful to God for his power and anointing on this unplanned show!

In all, No Longer Music performed 21 concerts in 15 cities throughout Albania with over 1,200 people indicating they wanted to follow Jesus and over 20,000 people hearing the clear Gospel message. In every city, we are working with church planters and local partners to ensure that those who responded receive strong follow up and discipleship.

This tour was also unique because the team was led by Ben and Aaron Pierce, so that I could do a extensive speaking tour through out Europe during this time as part of our effort to multiply what God is doing through Steiger.

Thank you for your prayers and support that have made this possible!

For the lost!

Follow the No Longer Music Tour

Blog: www.steiger.org/nlmtour
Facebook: www.facebook.com/steigerint
Twitter: www.twitter.com/steigerint
Vimeo: www.vimeo.com/steigerint

Remaining NLM Tour

Poland: August 1 - 7
Belgium: August 8 - 11
Germany: August 12 - 20
Lebanon: August 22 - Sept 1
Spain: September 2 - 18
Portugal: September 19 - 23

Concert Sponsorship Need

We still need to raise a little over $20,000 for the remaining tour. Specially, we need sponsors for 10 concerts.
As a concert sponsor, you can "adopt" a concert in a specific country. A full concerts is US$2,000.
Prior to your concert, you will receive information about the concert and prayer requests.  Afterwards, you will receive a report and short video describing the concert and the fruit.

Concerts Sponsorship Need Remaining:
3 x Poland
1 x Germany (Steiger’s Manifest Festival)
2 x Lebanon
4 x Spain

A gift of any size will help us reach secular and muslim young people all over Europe and the Middle East. Please be sure  to include "NLM Tour - Country of Concert" in the memo, purpose of donation or comment box.

Aaron and the crowd in Albania NLM concert The crowd in Albania NLM's angel in Albania

International Newsletter September 2013
International Newsletter May 2013










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