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International Newsletter February 2021

International Newsletter February 2021

Steiger launched the Provoke & Inspire Podcast five years ago, and since then it has been listened to in 7,700 cities in over 150 countries and downloaded by more than half a million people.

“I wondered why the world needed one more podcast, one more piece of chatter from someone - but I was so wrong.”

It has proven to be a powerful tool, as it challenges listeners worldwide, posing the question, "What does it look like to be bold for Jesus in the midst of secular culture?"

And what are people saying about it? Here’s a sampling...

“I was directed to check you out through Brian Welch’s post. I like that you tackle real issues I struggle with as a Christian and an individual. You explain things in a way I understand. I’m a newer Christian that has been saved from drug addiction a few years ago, and I struggle with how I can share Christ’s love without seeming selfrighteous. Your podcast has given me a lot of insight just in the last few days of listening. You guys are funny, educational, and easy to listen to! Thanks.”

“I value this podcast because it challenges me to DO SOMETHING with all the biblical knowledge and teaching that has been invested into me. Scripture tells us to be doers of the Word, not hearers only. The hosts of the podcast are excellent examples of how to live that command out practically.”

Coronavirus regulations limiting in-person activities and events provided the perfect opportunity to stretch our reach through this amazing tool, and our teams in Brazil and Ukraine wasted no time. By September of 2020, the new Steiger Podcast Network included the Provoke & Inspire Podcast, our Portuguese language podcast Manifeste, and our Russian-speaking podcast, No Balance.



Manifeste has inspired many followers of Jesus to be salt and light in the world / The No Balance team has seen a thirst in people wanting to bring Godly change




Since its first episode, Manifeste has been growing in audience numbers and impact. Co-creator Moah Buffalo explained, “People have really connected with the episodes. We’ve received an exciting number of messages from people who had questions answered, or who had a stale faith but are now on fire for the Lord again as a result of listening to the podcast. Today, these people are taking steps to spread the Gospel message to those around them.”

No Balance, too, has been quickly gaining a following. They released their tenth episode last year, and they’ve already accumulated listeners in 266 cities in 32 countries! With every episode, the No Balance team challenges each of those listeners to get outside the walls of their churches and reach the Global Youth Culture for Jesus.

Valery Ryabokonenko, one of the hosts and creators, shared, “We live in a time of a huge amount of information. Everyone is creating content, everyone has something to say, or is sharing their perspective. I wondered why the world needed one more podcast, one more piece of chatter from someone, but I was so wrong. If we believers keep thinking like that, all the world will be filled with empty and meaningless information instead of being filled with the truth - the Gospel, which saves and sets us free.”

Learn more about the Steiger Podcast Network and subscribe to its podcasts: www.steiger.org/steigerpodcastnetwork



Bible studies for the non-religious lead people to experience God for themselves!




Where the Hungry Can Find Truth

You’ve had an encounter with God - or you think you have. You allowed a follower of Jesus to pray for you and were filled with a peace you’ve never felt before. You want to know more about this Jesus, but you typically only mutter the name when you’re irritated, and the idea of going to some religious service triggers dread or anxiety. You don’t know the first thing about the Bible. What do you do?

This common scenario led to the beginning of Steiger’s Bible Studies for the Non-Religious. Our heart is to create a safe space for secular young people to read the Word of God and start to understand it. We’ve seen that when we invite young people to look at the Bible with us, to discuss it free from the threat of judgement, it creates space for the Holy Spirit to do His work.

Sasha, a young man in Kyiv, learned about our local City Team’s Bible Study for the Non-Religious from posters the team had placed around the city. It only took a few weeks of participating and experiencing a discipleship relationship with believers for him to come to a decision. Sasha wanted to follow Jesus!

Even online, the studies are fulfilling a valuable need. When Maria of Steiger Marseille moved away from Madrid, she kept in contact with her friends there. A group of them agreed to meet over Zoom for a Bible study. One of the girls in particular knew next to nothing about God and the Bible when they started, and now she’s completely transformed. Maria shares, “Little by little, she is growing in faith and in her relationship with Jesus. I’m praying that maybe she’ll want to get baptized the next time we go to Madrid.”

We have Bible Studies for the Non-Religious taking place in Steiger cities around the world! Each time that they do, young people are setting aside their misconceptions about Jesus and getting to know Him themselves. When that happens, even the hardest of hearts begins to soften.






Online Worldwide Apologetics to the Global Youth Culture

This global Steiger training event will mobilize followers of Jesus to respond to the most relevant cultural objections facing the Church today!

March 12-14 and 19-21

The event is online and free, but space is limited - so learn more and REGISTER NOW! www.steiger.org/apologetics Translation available.

We have a new intro video! Check it out for yourself at www.vimeo.com/steigerint/steiger and be sure to share it with your friends!

International Newsletter March 2021
Amsterdam, Netherlands

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