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International Newsletter June 2021

International Newsletter June 2021
“Sometimes there were riots happening outside the apartments during the teaching sessions, and we heard gunshots by the church where some of our Colombian leaders met during the online school in Bogotá.
Despite these crazy challenges, 199 people participated in our South American Steiger Intensive Training.

God is doing something new and supernatural - unlike anything we have ever seen before. I believe now more than ever, we need to dare to pray unreasonable prayers and set impossible goals.

The best days are not always the easiest. God is challenging us as a mission family not to pray for the old to return, but to cry out for something new.” - Steiger Co-Founder, David Pierce

Sharing Hope in the Midst of Crises

Hudson challenged team members to step boldly into prayer and evangelism Hudson challenged team members to step boldly into prayer and evangelism

Brazil is going through one of its biggest crises. Compelled to respond, we started a prayer campaign after a Steiger event. We've been praying every weekday, at 8 am and 8 pm. Our team shares the Gospel by calling friends, through social media, and face to face at work and on the streets.

"When I got into the Uber, I started talking to the driver about the whole situation in our country. After sharing the Good News, he prayed with me, admitting he needed forgiveness, and gave his life to Jesus right there in the car. It was the end of our trip, but the beginning of a new life!" - Hudson Parente, Regional Director of Steiger Brazil

The End of a Twenty-Year Drought

Our teams in Poland are boldly leading new churches in creative evangelism Our teams in Poland are boldly leading new churches in creative evangelism

Since February, Steiger Poland has been putting on a weekly online Revolutionary Art seminar with more than 100 artists and influencers participating. Influencers in the Poland film industry, musicians, and visual artists from Christian and secular backgrounds came together to learn from David Pierce’s book, Revolutionary.

This month, the Steiger Kraków City Team will host the final Revolutionary Art seminar live which will kick off the team’s evangelistic tour across the country! Seminar participants will perform, host workshops, and boldly proclaim the name of Jesus in the main squares of each city.

The City Teams continue to provide training for local churches, encouraging them to go outside the church walls with the hope of the Gospel. Ania Greenwood was able to lead 30 young people from these various churches onto the streets of their city to preach the Cross together. It was the first evangelistic event held in unity with other churches in the last 20 years!

Making Disciples

Timey found a loving family in the Kiev Bible Study for the Non-Religious Timey found a loving family in the Kyiv Bible Study for the Non-Religious

“Eighteen months ago, I had completely different values ​​and friends in my life. When I was younger, I used to believe in God, but I had backslid. My mother kept praying for me. One day I saw a friend on Instagram. She was taking part in a Bible study though she wasn’t a believer. I was curious... At my first visit I felt loved and respected. I began to participate in the Bible study regularly and my life gradually started changing. I did not immediately get rid of all my addictions, but the group accepted me as I was. Now they are my close friends and we hold Bible Studies for the Non-Religious together.” - Timey, from the Kyiv Bible Study for the Non-Religious

Let’s open our hearts and homes to people and let the power of the Gospel, the Holy Spirit, and our love help them become true followers of Jesus.

Missionary Training to the Global Youth Culture

There is a deep emptiness across the Global Youth Culture. Only the truth of the Cross will bring hope and purpose to this generation that desperately needs it. The Steiger Missions School equips you to share this truth in a bold and relevant way.
You have one more month to apply for the 2021 Steiger Missions School!

July 30 - September 5

Learn more and apply now at steiger.org/sms

Steiger Prayer Day
June 14th

Join us as we pray for a supernatural move of the Spirit.

Sign up now to join us for our monthly 24 Hour Prayer Day: calendly.com/steiger/steigerprayer
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