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International Newsletter October 2009

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

Our robotic coffin that demonstrates how Jesus rose from the dead was right up to the edge of the stage, but I didn’t realize this when I stepped out because of all the stage smoke and lights. I lost my balance and fell straight down off the stage, falling backwards. Somehow I managed not to get severely injured but I did get a huge bruise on my leg. Download pdf

Follow Up Party in ZagrebStumbling to my feet I preached in the middle of the club as though nothing had happened. We were in the biggest alternative club in Zagreb, Croatia. The club was packed with intellectuals, atheists, and other cynical university students. Despite the fall I could feel that Jesus was with me and people were listening intently.

Afterwards a young guy in his early twenties named Francisco came up to me. “I am in a band that is into violence, but when I heard you, I felt something.” I asked if I could pray for him and he agreed. So I put my hand on his shoulder and prayed that Jesus would touch him. Suddenly he started shaking and swaying and it seemed as though he might fall over because the Holy Spirit was so strongly touching him.

At the same time, Aaron (my son and actor in the show) was talking with Igor, a left wing radical communist who explained how he loved our concert but was an atheist. Aaron was able to explain to him more fully who Jesus is and was able to pray with him.

Luke sharing at a follow-up meeting, in CroatiaJustin (our bass player) and Ben (one of our guitarists and my other son) were talking to a guy named Arjan that said he was a Buddhist. “When you pray to Buddha, does anything happen?” Justin asked. Arjan said no not really. “That’s because Buddha is dead, so why don’t you give your life to Jesus because He’s not dead but alive.” Arjan agreed and prayed with them to receive Jesus. Goran who organized the concert said it was amazing what God did that night.

A few days earlier we had played in a square in Rijeka, which is the third largest city in Croatia. Rijeka is the center for Satanism and atheism in Croatia and is known as the city of the alternative scene. Before our concert, the Croatian National Television came and did an interview with me and filmed our show that was later broadcast on national television. The city square was full of crazy drunk young people when we played and many were angry and shouted at us because we were Christians. So I jumped off the stage into the crowd and basically did “punk style” preaching while they continued to shout at me. God once again moved powerfully and more than 100 prayed to receive Jesus after the concert while others continued to mock us. Many thanked me for speaking the truth so loudly and strongly.

Conversations about GodLuke & Ania, who are Steiger missionaries and members of No Longer Music, have been involved in follow-up meetings in Croatia after our concerts. At the follow-up meetings in Cakovec, another 10 people made firm commitments to follow Jesus. Cakovec is the town where Irena lives. Irena attended our Radical Missions School in New Zealand this year and is looking to establish a full time Steiger presence in Croatia. Because of this they are starting a new Bible study that will meet at Irena’s house. She will run this with help of the local pastor who helped organize our concert there.

During a follow-up meeting in Rijeka, Luke talked about the message of the Cross and while he was speaking 2 or 3 people walked out, but about 15 knelt to receive Jesus. At the same time in another meeting, led by Irena, 7 girls came to Christ and the local youth leaders are starting a Bible study in a café for these young people. They are all alternative young people that attended the concert on the square in Rijeka.

These are just a few examples of what God has done and continues to do after the No Longer Music tour. New works are being established and Jesus is being proclaimed with power. Thank you so much for your financial support and prayers that make it possible for these young people to hear that Jesus loves them.

Follow Up Team in CroatiaFor the lost
David & Jodi Pierce

Praise Reports & Prayer Needs

Jodi spoke for the fourth time at Smith College in Massachusetts. Smith is an elite university for women in the US. God moved powerfully during her meeting and many girls were touched by God. A committee has been formed to organize a bigger event next year where Jodi will speak in the Boston area.

We have found a potential property for our European Evangelistic Artists Association and European Steiger Headquarters in Dresden Germany. Pray that God gives Michael Sengle wisdom as he looks into this property and for the funds needed to get this headquarters launched. This would be a center to train and equip radical creative church planting teams and send them out all over the world.

Follow Up Team in CroatiaPray for the Radical Missions School that will be held next year in Dresden, Germany. Pray that God brings the right students to this school and that many are called to missions.

Please pray for the Steiger Discipleship schools that are going on now. The Shift School in Minneapolis USA and the Lift School in Karlsruhe, Germany. That the students in these schools will let God do everything He wants to do in their lives and they will leave grounded and ready to be radical followers of Jesus.

Pray for the new works being established in Finland, Croatia and the Middle East. For God's protection over all the people involved and that they will have the strength they need to pioneer these new ministries.

Lastly pray for Jodi and I that God will give us what we need during our speaking tours in the US, Brazil and Europe. That we will know what message to give in each meeting and that many will be challenged to follow Jesus radically.

6 April - 20 May 2010
Near Dresden, Germany
Is God challenging you to go deeper in your commitment to Him, to be willing to take the next step of obedience, no matter where it takes you and what it demands from you? Your next step may be to join us somewhere around the world in bringing people to Jesus. Consider coming to the 2010 Steiger Radical Missions Training School (normally held in New Zealand) which will be held this year near Dresden, Germany.

The school, led by David and Jodi Pierce, provides students with strong spiritual and practical foundations necessary for a lifetime of radical service. Other Steiger leaders from around the world also give teach on a variety of topics, including radical discipleship, creative evangelism, church planting, understanding your personal calling.

For more information Click Here

1 March - 13 June 2010
Karlsruhe, Germany
FUELIf you have been looking for an opportunity to spend purposeful, quality time with God apart from your familiar environment, then Fuel is the Discipleship Training School for you.

High powered and intense, Fuel is designed to help you fill up on what you need for your Christian life, while giving you the opportunity to go out and put what you learn into immediate practice - all that in just 3 1/2 months!

For more information Click Here
Enquiries can be made to: fuel@steigerdeutschland.de or by calling +49 721 830 6200

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International Newsletter November 2009
International Newsletter September 2009










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