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International Mission Director

Invite Aaron to speak at your church


International Mission Director

Invite Aaron to speak

Aaron Pierce serves as the International Mission Director of Steiger International, a global mission organization dedicated to mobilizing followers of Jesus to reach young people who would not walk into a church.

 Aaron is deeply passionate about inspiring and equipping followers of Jesus to live lives of radical faith and to courageously share the message of Jesus in our increasingly secularized culture. His prayer is that God would raise up a radical missionary movement that will transform the Global Youth Culture for Jesus.

 Aaron’s most important role is his role as husband to Jennifer and dad to Asher, Selah, Hudson, and Wesley. Aaron and his family live in Minneapolis, MN (USA).

Invite Aaron to speak!


“I highly recommend Aaron and the Steiger team to any church. Aaron’s weekend message incited our parents to become more intentional and engaged as spiritual leaders. Aaron and the Steiger team bring Spirit-led passion, coupled with tactical excellence and collaboration to awaken parents and inspire young people in our church.”

John S Dickerson, Lead Pastor of Connection Pointe, Indiana, best-selling author of Jesus Skeptic and The Great Evangelical
“I highly recommend Aaron and the Steiger team to any church. Aaron’s weekend message incited our parents to become more intentional and engaged as spiritual leaders. Aaron and the Steiger team bring Spirit-led passion, coupled with tactical excellence and collaboration to awaken parents and inspire young people in our church.”

Troy Dobbs, Senior Pastor of Grace Church in Eden Prairie MN 

Download Aaron’s bio and headshot

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