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Steiger Regional Leader (Belarus/Baltics/Siberia, Far East Russia)
Misha started touring the Russian-speaking world with his band Nuteki in 2008, preaching the Gospel openly at every show. Since then, more than 1,000 Nuteki concerts have taken place and tens of thousands have heard the Gospel.
In 2013, Misha came in contact with Steiger through a random meeting with the mission’s co-founder David Pierce in Sumy, Ukraine. This led to him and his band participating in the Steiger Missions School in 2014 and eventually becoming full time missionaries.
That same year, with the aim of bridging the gap between the Church and his band’s secular audiences, Misha developed a follow up strategy called 6 PM, which included weekly meetings that relevantly engaged global youth. Together with his Steiger team, he created a 6 PM training curriculum and began equipping leaders of local churches throughout the Russian-speaking world.

The 6 PM meetings spread rapidly across the region, and by 2016, #6pmWorld was effectively discipling young people in 20 cities. In 2019, Misha launched a new online discipleship initiative called Level Up, through which hundreds of people have been reached with the Gospel and are growing in their faith.
Misha is a regular on the Steiger Podcast Network’s No Balance podcast, which discusses how Jesus would react to current events and reflects on the question, “How can we be true followers of Jesus in today’s world?” He also develops and mentors artists and bands, equipping them to boldly and relevantly share the Gospel outside the Church through their platform.

Misha is now Steiger’s regional leader in Far East Russia, Belarus, Siberia, and the Baltic States. He frequently speaks at churches, events, and seminars, in both Russian and in English. He is married and has three children.

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