International Newsletter August 2018
Steiger missionary band Nuteki playing and preaching in Kazakhstan and Russia
Last month, Steiger missionary band Nuteki was on a three-week tour of Kazakhstan and the Ural district of Russia. Performing a total of nine shows in this vast geographical region, the band found people were very hungry for the Gospel.
As is true throughout Russia, it was prohibited by law to openly preach the Gospel everywhere Nuteki played.
While they were constantly in prayer for wisdom and clear discernment, they never stopped speaking about Jesus from stage and inviting their crowds into relationship with Him. Each concert was organized in collaboration with local churches, with whom new believers and those interested in learning more about Christ were connected. The band also held their own follow-up meetings after shows whenever possible.
In the city of Orenburg, about 1500 people came to their concert. “About 100 people came to the follow-up meeting,” Nuteki’s leader Misha recalls. “We openly shared the Good News, and at the end, I called for repentance. Almost everyone there answered the call. The atmosphere was powerful, with many people crying. We prayed and talked with them for a couple of hours afterwards, as they continued asking questions about faith and Jesus Christ.”
During Nuteki’s tour, 7135 people heard the Gospel - many for the first time - and they were able to pray with 240 of them who wanted to know Jesus. Nuteki is also a great example of “making disciples who make disciples.” After several years of hands-on training and mentorship by Steiger leaders, they too have begun to disciple and mentor other artists to effectively be the voice of Jesus for their generation. They are currently engaged in training up four artists/bands from their region of the world, including Dima Oko, who was with them on their Russia tour.
Please pray for wisdom, health and protection for Nuteki as they continue to tour this summer, that God would speak powerfully through them and draw many into relationship with Himself!
What else is happening in Steiger?
Steiger Finland!
Steiger missionaries Salla and Sami Kosola of Steiger Suomi (Finland) set up their colorful motorhome, @M.A.S.A., right along the path leading to the jazz festival in the city of Pori last month.
Sami’s sign advertised: Give me three words and three minutes, and I’ll give you a free poem...
“We set up our typewriter and people kept coming to us all day!” Sami recalls. “We would ask them about their lives and share our story with them. Many were touched and we were able to pray for each one. People were open to share about their lives, so we could talk about deep stuff quite easily. What we need to learn is to be bolder and more open in sharing the Gospel. We thank God for this opportunity and we will keep practicing!”
Please pray for the nation of Finland, for the Kosolas and all the members of Steiger Suomi, our newest Steiger team, which was officially established at the beginning of this year!
Steiger Chile
On July 14, the Steiger Chile team held their first ever Provoke & Inspire seminar in Santiago, with over seventy people participating! We’re looking forward to seeing how God will use this experience in the lives of the many artists who came, to impact this beautiful nation with His power and for His glory!
Steiger Brazil
Brazilian band, Alegorica, recently performed and preached the Gospel at the 15th Witches & Wizards Convention outside of Sao Paulo. They brought the full Steiger Brazil team with them for support in prayer and in speaking with people after the show.
Dalila Parente, one of the band’s vocalists, remembers: “During the show, I noticed this couple in the audience. They were very involved and attentive. At the end, when the message was clearly preached, the woman started to cry and the guy nodded his head to every word. When we got off stage to talk to people, I went to them. She hugged me tightly and thanked me many times in tears. The guy said, “It’s true. Everything you said is true. You preached the truth here. Thank you!” Then the woman said, “Yes! It’s true! I feel like something inside of me was opened. Thank you!” We prayed together and exchanged contacts. Angélica, ourvideographer recorded an interview with them and they got in touch afterwards.”
Good seeds were planted in many people’s lives, so please pray for them and for more opportunities like this for Alegorica!

No Longer Music
By organizing the shows in Germany as a series of protests, No Longer Music was able to get permission to play in prime, central locations in the cities of Stuttgart, Berlin,Hamburg, Mannheim, Annaberg and Dresden, enabling them to preach the Gospel to about 4,500 people in early July!
The next stop for their tour was Poland, where Ania Greenwood and the Steiger Poland team organized performances in four cities. Despite numerous challenges including bad weather, many experienced God’s presence through the shows and surrendered their lives to Him..
Read more detailed blog posts about the tour at
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