International Newsletter July 2018
As World Cup fans from over 32 nations around the world converged on Russia for the most popular sporting event on earth, our Steiger team has been spending the month creatively reaching out to them with the Gospel. The Steiger Ukraine team, along with our missionaries Denis Malimonov (outreach coordinator), Angela Tkachenko and Stephan Maag, have been partnering together with a large church in Moscow to boldly preach Jesus, in a nation where doing so publicly was declared illegal just two years ago.
Steiger missionary and leader of Fingerprint ministry, Stephan Maag shares:
Going to Moscow, we didn’t know what to expect, but we were very sure that we wanted to give our best. We started out doing a normal street outreach with art and music, and it went really well - people were very open to the message of Jesus.
Next, we decided to go to Red Square, to break every spiritual barrier and to see if we could preach the Gospel there. As human beings, it was definitely impossible - but for God nothing is impossible!
When we got to Red Square, there were so many military police and lots of fans yelling and screaming. At first, we were unsure what we should do, but then the Lord just made us brave.
We did our first flash mob and then we preached. In the beginning, we weren’t too loud, but with each flash mob and preacher, we got bolder and louder. We were able to pray for many people, God moved powerfully, and no police nor military interrupted us. It was awesome to see how the Lord was with us, and we just seemed to be invisible to the authorities.
God can really make the impossible possible!
In the words of Angela Tkachenko, Steiger leader for all the Russian-speaking World:
The World Cup Outreach in Moscow was a real miracle! Before going there, I felt deep in my spirit that it wasn’t just important for the sake of preaching the Gospel to these people in Moscow. It was also crucial for Russian Christians to see that IT IS POSSIBLE to openly share Jesus, despite the laws.
What happened on the streets of Moscow and St. Petersburg is beyond our understanding. Bold proclamation of the true Gospel, flash mobs, preaching in Red Square - it caused so many Christians in this country to decide that they too can take a step of boldness now, and go the streets to share Jesus!
I brought my small daughter, Adeliya, with me from Ukraine - she is four years old. I wanted her to see what we were going to do and how we would do it. Maybe she doesn’t fully understand everything now, but I know for sure that when she grows up, she will have a lot to remember and draw from because of this.
When I preached loudly on Red Square, I was still a little afraid, thinking, “What if the police come and take us?” But I held Adeliya’s hand tightly in mine, praying, and everything turned out fine.
We praise God that we didn’t allow fear to hold us back, and didn’t miss out on this amazing opportunity!
How often does fear stop you? The Gospel must be preached!
During the first 10 days of Steiger’s month-long World Cup outreach, which will continue until July 12, a total of 1428 people heard the Gospel and 382 of them were engaged in personal conversations about Christ. Our team was able to pray for 210 people, with 41 of them making decisions to follow Jesus.
Please continue to pray for God to break through in many people’s lives, as our team boldly shares Christ on the streets of Russia!

July 27 - August 4, 2018
Powerful prayer, worship and teaching sessions will provide crucial insights into the globalized culture we live in, and equip you with principles and models for relevantly sharing Jesus, and making disciples among young people who would not usually walk into a church.
From the contemplative atmosphere of the Steiger International Center, we will head out together to bring hope in Jesus to the chaotic scene of Polish Woodstock, the largest open air festival in Europe (around 800,000 young people). We run a free breakfast under a big army tent, and spend our days walking around the festival, talking to people, and using creative means to share the Gospel. It is a great way to put all we learn during Revolutionary Week into practice.
For more information and to register, go to: