International Newsletter December 2017
He said he was an atheist, a true example of the global youth culture of our days. His worldview was humanistic and all about materialism, but he took the time to talk to us. When I asked if I could pray for him, his expression changed. With tears in his eyes, he asked us to pray for his father and their relationship. Afterwards, I was able to share the Gospel with him again. - Matthew Zuryanov (Steiger Ukraine team member)
It’s really exciting to see what God is doing in the Russian-speaking world right now.
In 19 cities throughout Ukraine and Belarus, young people are going out every week on their own initiative, using creative means to preach Jesus in the streets, night clubs, festivals, and wherever their generation hangs out. On Halloween night, we had six outreaches going on simultaneously. Last month, 60-70 young people did a flashmob with masks in Kiev, where over 500 heard the Gospel! Those interested in learning more about following Christ were connected to our local follow up and discipleship efforts.
This spirit-led youth evangelism and discipleship movement has been fueled by prayer. For ten months now, Steiger Ukraine has had a daily prayer chain. We see this as a true move of God and we pray every day that the Lord would protect it! Please join us in that prayer! In late November, more than 500 young people from ten countries attended the Steiger conference in Kiev. We gathered together for worship and to be inspired to reach the Global Youth Culture for Jesus!
It is truly amazing what God is doing! Thank you for your prayers and support that make all of this possible!
Angela Tkachenko
Director of Steiger Union (Russian-Speaking World)

Cuba Report
In early November, a Steiger team consisting of David and Jodi Pierce, Ben Pierce, Aaron Pierce and Alejandro Reyes (from Colombia), were able to do a pioneering/scouting trip to Cuba. During their time there, they offered a full-day Provoke & Inspire Conference for a group of approximately 60 Cuban artists, teaching and encouraging them to use their creative gifts to proclaim the Gospel outside the church.
The churches and Christian artists we connected with were very engaged and soaked up everything we were saying. Cuban culture is very artistic and musical, so the idea of using their creative abilities for the Gospel is a perfect fit.
Despite the existence of all sorts of restrictions on every aspect of life, including internet access, there is a thriving, dynamic, global youth culture scene. One night, we visited an art/music night club that was as sophisticated as clubs you’d see anywhere else in the world.
Despite crazy political challenges (i.e. mysterious sonic attacks), the country is in a very unique time of transition, in which major political and social changes are inevitable… and coming soon. Cuban young people are hungry to be part of the global community, and are open to new ideas, including the Gospel. We need to be prepared to meet the opportunities for sharing the message of Jesus that this openness brings!
We are now in the process of praying and strategizing about next steps. As always, we need to continue to pray for the people and resources needed to take advantage of all the incredible opportunities that God is giving us.

Steiger Compact Schools
January 3 - 6, 2018
Wooddale Church
Eden Prairie, MN
The Steiger Compact School is a short yet intense mission training program organized by Steiger teams in cities around the world. It provides an in-depth understanding of the Global Youth Culture, and teaches the Steiger values, principles, and models for relevantly sharing Jesus, and making disciples among young people who would not usually walk into a church.
Our purpose is to inspire you to have a passionate faith in Jesus, and to share that with an urban, globalized generation that has often forgotten God. It is also an opportunity to get to know more about Steiger, and to become actively involved in missions.
For the complete list of 2018 Compact School locations and dates, go to:

Steiger Compact USA
January 3 - 6, 2018
Wooddale Church
Eden Prairie, MN
The Steiger Compact School is a four-day, intensive, mission training program (held in cities around the world) that provides an in-depth understanding of the Global Youth Culture, and teaches the Steiger values, principles and models for relevantly sharing Jesus and making disciples among young people who would not usually walk into a church.
$79 (covers food and school fee)
Aaron Pierce, Ben Pierce, Chad Johnson
and other Steiger Leaders from around the world.
Learn more and register:

Provoke&Inspire Podcast
Check out Provoke & Inspire, a unique podcasts featuring David Pierce, Ben Pierce, Luke Greenwood and Chad Johnson designed to provoke and inspire Christians to live out courageous lives of faith and use their creative gifts to reach the lost!
Or, search for the “Provoke&Inspire” podcast on iTunes or Soundcloud