International Newsletter January 2018
There is move of God happening in Colombia!
In December, 134 people from more than 40 churches in 5 cities attended the first Steiger Compact School in Colombia.
“With just my five loaves and two fish, God can use me and do greater things. From the ordinary, He makes something extraordinary, but we must be seeking God in a continuous and passionate way to be able to hear His voice.” - Diego
“In the Steiger Compact School, I learned that it’s not about me; it’s all about Him. He is strong in my weakness!” - Jessy
“It was a revolutionary experience!!!!!” - Lili
The school took place in a secluded retreat center, one hour from Bogotá, the capital city. Students came expecting to have an encounter with God and to be equipped to reach the Global Youth Culture with the Gospel!
In addition to lectures by David and Jodi Pierce, Alejandro Reyes, Aaron Pierce, and others, there was intense worship, a prayer room (starting at 5 am) and a “prayer wall,” where each person posted their prayer requests on a map of Colombia to encourage intercession for the country. In this way, the students lived and experienced Steiger’s core value of seeking God with a desperate heart.
On the final day, there was a big, creative outreach on the streets of Bogotá. More than 200 young people shared the Gospel with thousands of others through music, theater, dance, and simple conversation and prayer. As a result, around 600 people had a personal Gospel conversation and were prayed for!
This Compact School was a key step in the establishment of Steiger LATAM (Latin America), a regionally-focused Steiger initiative led by Colombians Alejandro Reyes and Fanny Cortez (graduates of the Steiger Missions School in 2017). They are forming partnerships, planning training events, and will be organizing major No Longer Music tours throughout Latin America (including Cuba) in the years to come.
Our vision is to spark a Latin-American led evangelism and discipleship movement in partnership with local churches, that will transform the Global Youth Culture throughout this region of the world!
To see this vision accomplished, we will select key, catalytic leaders from Colombia to attend our full Steiger Missions School in 2018.
It’s amazing how God is using Steiger in Latin America! Thank you for your prayer and financial support that make this possible!
Aaron Pierce

Missionary Training to the Global Youth Culture
Steiger International Center (Krogis, Germany)
In 2018, for the first time ever, there will be TWO separate Steiger Missions Schools.
SPRING SMS April 27 - July 3,
2018 SUMMER SMS July 25 - October 2, 2018
The SMS is intended for people with a wide variety of gifting and background, who feel called to join Steiger’s mission to reach and disciple the Global Youth Culture for Jesus.
Apply Now!
Invest in the next generation of dynamic, creative missionaries!
Steiger is raising up the next generation of dynamic, creative missionaries to boldly reach the Global Youth Culture for Jesus! We need scholarships for key students coming from South America, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East.
Would you consider sponsoring a Steiger Missions School student?
A full scholarship for an SMS student is US $2,500. Any donation is appreciated, but please consider giving one of the amounts below:
Quarter Sponsorship = $626
Half Sponsorship = $1,250
Full Sponsorship = $2,500
To donate, go to
and specify SMS scholarship in the purpose of donation note.