International Newsletter December 2019
The Steiger team in Sao Paulo recently hosted NomadZ, a training event focused on using music, art, and culture to mobilize the Church in effectively reaching the Global Youth Culture.
Over 600 people from all over Brazil came to participate in this day of teaching, discussions, and creative performances.
“In our events, we share the theory, but God has called us to get people to put it into practice, too,” explains Moah from Brazil.
The training was not meant to stay within the walls of the Church, so the next day, the team led a Manifeste event, turning words into actions. They invited amazing artists and prepared for creative evangelism on one of Brazil’s most important avenues!
At Manifeste, numerous bands and other artists performed while NomadZ participants shared the Gospel on the streets, using the tools they had acquired during the event. Many tears were shed as people heard the message of Jesus in a new and creative way, and engaged in heartfelt conversations and prayer.
Karen is a 26-year-old girl who had been part of a church, but turned away from God after some bad experiences there. She was impacted by the creative outreach on the streets and said, “I never imagined hearing about the Gospel in such a way, pointing to such current problems like depression… I want to go to the follow-up Bible study so I don’t forget about this! I want to be with people who seek a life with Jesus.”
The Steiger team invited people to a Bible study for the non-religious, and many came! Moah led the group in studying the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32), which some of them had never heard. Although they have not all accepted Christ, God is clearly speaking to them. Moah and the Brazil team will continue walking with them on this intense journey as God softens their hearts!
Steiger is Coming to the US
“I keep thinking, maybe we are just the perfect mistake - everything just so happened that life was sparked with all of the right conditions, but I don’t know why or how.”
This Fall, Ben and Aaron Pierce led a focus group with eight secularized young people to discuss the “big questions” in life. As they responded to issues like how we got here, their answers gave a window into the mind of the Global Youth Culture of the US, where many of these questions remain unanswered.
The religiously unaffiliated are the fastest growing “religious group” in the US. Today many young adults, in particular, see the Church as irrelevant to their day-to-day life and have negative misconceptions about who Jesus is and what it means to follow Him.
Because of this need, Steiger is coming to the USA! Our vision is to establish 10 Steiger City Teams in 10 cities throughout the USA by 2025, as part of our global vision to establish 100 Steiger Teams around the world.
Please pray with us as we eagerly expect God to move powerfully here in the US, just as He has around the world!
Learn more about the US City Team Campaign:
Jesus Crashes Halloween
“If I had known [about the Christian connection], I wouldn’t have gone, mostly because I would have assumed it would be terrible. It wasn’t. So I guess I have some personal assumptions and stereotypes I need to think about,” one audience member commented to CityPages after the show.
Come&Live artist Philip Shorey has used his art to challenge people’s assumptions all over the world, and this Fall he brought his original accompaniment for the classic silent film, Nosferatu (1922) to Minneapolis, MN. He directed the Curse of the Vampire Orchestra, a 50-piece symphony featuring a host of international musicians, to deliver a wild production at the highest level of entertainment. They presented the film to an audience that would NEVER step foot into a church.
One girl at the show was on the verge of suicide. When she saw Ellen rise from the dead in the film, she burst into tears and came forward to receive Christ. Philip led her in prayer and she was baptized the next day! Through unique artistic expression, Philip and the orchestra presented a Christianity that is outside the world’s box and showed that no curse is too strong for God’s love and forgiveness to break.

SMS 2020 - Apply NOW!
SMS 1: April 24 - June 30 SMS 2: July 24 - September 29The Steiger Missions School is intended for people with a wide variety of gifting and background, who feel called to join Steiger’s mission to reach and disciple the Global Youth Culture for Jesus. It is a requirement for those who want to be Steiger missionaries.
During the school’s ten weeks, students spend time intensely seeking God and engaging in deep reflective study and discussions that prepare them to understand, reach, and disciple the Global Youth Culture. They are involved in weekly creative outreaches in European cities, and glean from the rich experience of living in an international community of radical Jesus followers.
For more information and to apply: