International Newsletter November 2019
I remember when Dasha came to me saying, “I want to do this so much, but how can I?,” recalls Angela Tkachenko of Steiger Union.
“My answer was, “Will you obey God even if you don’t have permission from your city?” She said she would - and that is when everything started! The first outreach on the streets of Moscow was followed by many others.”
Dasha gave her life to Jesus 10 years ago. She lives in Moscow and has her own fashion brand. In the summer of 2017 when she joined Steiger, the Holy Spirit touched her heart so strongly, she couldn’t resist His message and revelation about reaching the Global Youth Culture.
She had a dream to start a Steiger team that would preach the Gospel openly and without shame on the streets of her great city - but it was absolutely impossible to get permission to do it legally. That’s when Angela challenged her to obey God anyway, and a whole new season of evangelism in Russia began when Dasha said “yes”!
During the 2018 World Cup in Moscow, Steiger had a team creatively sharing Jesus on the streets for three weeks straight, even doing a flash mob with preaching in Red Square. Later that summer, Dasha was a student at the Steiger Missions School, and this past March, the first Compact School was held in Moscow!
All of this sparked such a sense of hope and inspiration throughout the nation that on Global Outreach Day last May, more than 100 Russian teams went to the streets of their cities to openly share the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
The rest of the Steiger Moscow core team just participated in SMS 2019, and now they’re more determined than ever to rock their city with the message of Jesus!
What an incredible privilege to be part of a mission full of young people who are changing the history of entire nations through their obedience to God’s call to reach the Global Youth Culture!
Have You Been Provoked & Inspired Yet?
Did you know that Steiger has a weekly podcast called Provoke & Inspire, hosted by Ben Pierce, along with “regulars” David Pierce, Luke Greenwood, and Chad Johnson?
Provoke & Inspire discusses how Jesus might respond to current events and issues facing the Global Youth Culture and the Church, attempting to answer the question, “What does it look like to be bold for Jesus in the midst of secular culture?” With over 180 episodes released, and an avid fan base from 105 countries and counting, the podcast has become a powerful tool for provoking and inspiring its listeners, while retaining a respectful yet often-times hilarious bent.
The P&I team has had the joy and privilege of interviewing such guests as Todd White, Jodi Pierce, Brian “Head” Welch, Sy Rogers, Propaganda, Matty Mullins, members of the Ravi Zacharias team, Greg Boyd, Shane Claiborne, Skillet’s John Cooper, Nancy Pearcey, Chip Ingram, Dr. Michael Brown, and many more!
Look for Provoke & Inspire on iTunes, Spotify, and Stitcher - and subscribe to it so you never miss an episode! By rating and reviewing it, you can help increase its visibility, too!

Steiger’s YouTube Channel - IsThereMore
As the Global Youth Culture becomes increasingly connected to their phones, tablets, and laptops, reaching them effectively means that we need to have a strong presence online.
Enter IsThereMore, Steiger’s new means of strategically connecting with global youth through YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. Our hope is that the content that IsThereMore produces will challenge secular thinking and relevantly share the love of Jesus outside the Church!
Please consider subscribing to the IsThereMore channel and sharing our videos on social media!
Check out ITM’s “There Is No Right, There Is No Wrong” video to get a taste of this new Steiger initiative:

SMS 2020 - Apply NOW!
SMS 1: April 24 - June 30 SMS 2: July 24 - September 29The Steiger Missions School is intended for people with a wide variety of gifting and background, who feel called to join Steiger’s mission to reach and disciple the Global Youth Culture for Jesus. It is a requirement for those who want to be Steiger missionaries.
During the school’s ten weeks, students spend time intensely seeking God and engaging in deep reflective study and discussions that prepare them to understand, reach, and disciple the Global Youth Culture. They are involved in weekly creative outreaches in European cities, and glean from the rich experience of living in an international community of radical Jesus followers.
For more information and to apply: