International Newsletter February 2018
Our Weakness, His Power!
One second I was talking with my dad and Valery (one of Steiger’s Ukrainian missionaries), and an instant later, it felt as though a bomb had gone off. Stunned and covered in debris, it was hard to process what had just happened.
We were on tour in Brazil with No Longer Music, and our driver had gotten into a lane not intended for the height of our bus. Traveling at well over 60 miles per hour, we smashed into a horizontal steel beam, knocking our air conditioning unit clean off the bus’s roof.
I had never experienced a more violent moment in my whole life.
Thankfully, no one was hurt but I was shaken up. Feeling dazed, we wondered what to do next. That night, we were supposed to host a follow-up meeting for those who had responded to the Gospel at our show the previous night. Initially, we considered cancelling the event, but David encouraged us that we should not let Satan stop us. Determined to make this meeting happen, we ordered a bunch of Uber cars and made our way to the venue.
When we arrived, it was immediately clear that this was not a typical spot for a follow-up event. In fact, the location was nothing like I’d imagined it would be. The band we were playing with guided us towards a large rock overlooking a Rio de Janeiro beach. Apparently, it was a very famous spot, where thousands of tourists and locals gathered to celebrate the sunset each night.
We had been forced to unload all of our bags from the damaged bus, so quite comically, we now had to drag our suitcases and backpacks several hundred feet up this rock. We looked like tourists.
As the team and I made our way there, I still wasn’t sure what the plan was. I asked our local promoter, Moah, who replied, “Oh, it’s simple. Medulla will play a few songs and then you’ll preach.” A typical follow-up meeting is held in a cafe or church building for people who have seen our show, and responded to our message. This was clearly going to be anything but typical.
The band started to play, and a large crowd of people gathered on all sides. I was still rattled from the accident, and my skin burned from the fiberglass explosion we had experienced. I felt very inadequate.
I remember thinking, “God, this is not what I was expecting! Usually when I preach, it’s after a big show, with live music, lights, video, and special effects. I don’t have any of my normal tools. How is this going to work?” I was feeling so vulnerable and unprepared.
As Medulla’s last song ended, I prayed, “OK, God! I am so fragile, I have so little control, and there is nothing about me that is impressive, but I will not let Satan win. You love these people, and want them to know the Truth. I may not have a great show behind me, but I believe you will work anyway!”
I took a deep breath, and opened my mouth. Immediately, I felt God with me, and was able to speak boldly and with courage. I told the large crowd that they were not made to worship the sun, but the One who made it! I explained how they were not accidents, but beautifully made by a God who loves them! I affirmed that they could be forgiven, healed, and set free! I then asked those that wanted to know Jesus to raise their hands and pray out loud. The crazy thing is, many of them did! And together, on a rock overlooking the beach, we prayed that God would come into their lives!
Heading to our housing that night, I couldn’t believe all that we had been through. In just one day, I was reminded that our lives are short, our talents are never enough, and that if we allow Him, God will use the little we have to change people’s lives forever!
Ben Pierce
No Longer Music and Come&Live!

Steiger Missions School
Missionary Training to the Global Youth Culture
Steiger International Center (Krogis, Germany)
In 2018, for the first time ever, there will be TWO separate Steiger Missions Schools.
SMS - April 27 - July 3, 2018
SMS - July 25 - October 2, 2018
The SMS is intended for people with a wide variety of gifting and background, who feel called to join Steiger’s mission to reach and disciple the Global Youth Culture for Jesus.
Apply Now!
Invest in the next generation of dynamic, creative missionaries!
Steiger is raising up the next generation of dynamic, creative missionaries to boldly reach the Global Youth Culture for Jesus!
We need scholarships for key students coming from South America, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East.
Would you consider sponsoring a Steiger Missions School student?
A full scholarship for an SMS student is US $2,500. Any donation is appreciated, but please consider giving one of the amounts below:
Quarter Sponsorship = $626
Half Sponsorship = $1,250
Full Sponsorship = $2,500
To donate, go to
and specify SMS scholarship in the purpose of donation note.