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International Newsletter January 2024

Provoke and Inspire hits 500 episodes!

I don't remember where the idea came from, but on November 2, 2015, we launched the Provoke and Inspire Podcast.

If you have yet to listen, P&I features four Steiger leaders and is a dynamic weekly embodiment of our values.

Eight years later, we just recorded our 500th episode!

This month, we will hit a million downloads in over 180 countries!

Since 2015, we have featured guests from all over the Christian world, from Tom Holland and Shane Claiborne to authors like Max Lucado, John Mark Comer, and the late Timothy Keller. We have talked to heavy metal vocalists Mattie Montgomery, John Cooper, and Matty Mullins, as well as rappers like Tedashii and Propaganda.

First Guest Mattie MontgomeryThe first guest on P&I, Mattie Montgomery, with Ben and David

We asked you how the podcast has helped shape your own walk with Christ, and here’s what two of you had to say:
Deandra heard about us when she was in college, and says she has always been challenged by the boldness and clarity of the discussions.
“Your podcast has given me a lot of encouragement, strength, and hope.”

For her, it has been a reminder that there ARE people out there who are striving to live out biblical values and share the gospel.“Hearing you all talk through current issues from a gospel perspective reminds me that I'm not crazy and that living for Christ is indeed the best way to live.”

Deandra thanked P&I for choosing to take a stand against the negative parts of modern culture, and for encouraging younger folks to stay true to Christ, despite how unpopular that may be at times.
“You all help me stay anchored in my faith and I am so, so appreciative of that!”

We love the community that has emerged from this podcast!

Timi is only one of the many people our team encountered on the Camino de Santiago. Even if she was the only one, she would have been worth it. As it was, our team shared the Gospel with 400 people along the trail. Many of them are now at a spiritual crossroads. Please pray that God would meet each of them wherever they are on their spiritual journey and bring them into relationship with Him.

When Sarah felt like everything was out of her control, the messages of Provoke & Inspire were a reminder to cling to the truth in God’s word and the promises He has for us.

At the time, her husband was deeply struggling with his faith. Everyday on these drives as she listened and prayed and worshiped, she begged God to stir up her husband’s affections for Him again.

“The podcast gave me comfort, a confidence in the truth that I already knew, but in a new way. And you know what? In some very miraculous ways, God called my husband out of this season of running from and doubting his faith and from seeking the things of this world. He turned him around and called him again into a close relationship. We began working on repairing our marriage and he grew spiritually in ways I could have never imagined.”

Almost 2 years ago now, God called Sarah and her husband to sell their home, for her husband to quit his job, and for them to move with their 1-year-old into full time ministry work, leading a Christian summer camp and retreat center.

“We had unexplainable peace but knew that God had called us to present a clear gospel message to the youth he was bringing there and that He would figure out the rest! Fun fact - it’s also where we met over 10 years ago now.”

God used the gospel truths presented in the Provoke & Inspire podcast to transform their minds.

“These are the very same truths that my husband and I are now teaching hundreds of youth each year together. Thank you for your important work in producing these podcast episodes week after week and for the mission of Steiger to raise up missionaries to reach the lost!”

We have been honored to share the first 500 episodes with you, and can’t wait to see what God does with the next 500!

Ben Pierce
Provoke and Inspire Host

Don’t miss an episode! Check it out here.

Prefer reading? Catch up on the P&I blog here.

Bogotá, Colombia
International Newsletter November 2023

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