International Newsletter November 2023
Halloween night was the first time Fineas had ever done creative evangelism. Though initially excited to be with the Steiger MVMT Team in Cluj Napoca, Romania, it wasn’t easy for him. “I didn't have the courage to talk to people or to get involved with them,” he shared, “It seemed like the people I tried to talk to weren't interested, and I ended up feeling disappointed.”
Check out this highlight video from the Halloween outreach in Romania!
As the rain started to fall, a young man with a suitcase caught his attention. Fineas introduced himself to Daniel (name changed) and engaged him with the "Take and Leave" project.
“I approached him, inviting him to write about a past experience that had affected him and then take a verse from a box. He told me the verse was incredibly relevant to what he had written on the burnt note, and opened up about his battle with psychedelic addiction and a history of strange spiritual experiences. He described a traumatic accident that left him feeling detached from God,” Fineas recalled.
Daniel accepted Fineas’ offer to pray with him, and then something crazy happened. “Daniel experienced an intense sensation of heat,” Fineas shared, “And afterward, he was overwhelmed by a profound sense of peace.”
As they continued talking, Fineas shared more of the Gospel with Daniel and gave him resources to read the Bible for himself. At the end of the night when the team went to dinner, Daniel joined them. “We are still keeping in touch,” shared Fineas. “I have hopes of meeting him again. This encounter left a deep impact on both of us.”Bar hoppers in Denver engaged with our Steiger team after a local Halloween Parade.
On the other side of the world, a group hit the streets in Denver, Colorado (USA), and used the “Message to the World” tool to engage people in conversation at a local Halloween parade. “The message Beau shared was, ‘You will be okay!’ We talked about where his hope comes from when things are not okay,” Steiger missionary Allison recalls.
“Beau shared he is an atheist and looks to mushrooms and psychedelic experiences to deal with his depression. That was the open door for me to share how Jesus rescued me from depression, forgave my sins, and gives me hope even when things are hard in life,” Allison says. After praying with Beau that he would have a genuine encounter with Jesus, another team member, Nick, exchanged contact information and made plans to follow up.”

These are only two of the incredible stories from our Halloween efforts! Over the weeks leading up to and following the holiday, our Steiger volunteers held creative evangelism and discipleship events in over 40 cities across the globe. As a result, over 3,000 people heard the Gospel - many for the first time ever. Please pray with us that God would continue to work in their lives and bring them to full reconciliation with Him.