International Newsletter June 2017
Eight hundred people attended from several hundred churches all over Colombia. Others traveled overland for more than nine days from Argentina to attend our meetings, while another couple walked through the border in nearby Venezuela to get there.
Venezuela is a country that is in complete economic and social collapse. It’s a lawless place controlled by criminal gangs, making it now one of the most dangerous countries in Latin America. It was no small risk for them to travel to Bogotá to attend our conference.
After every teaching session, we spent many hours crying out to God together. One meeting lasted for almost five hours! Sometimes, the front of the stage was wet with tears because God was moving so powerfully in the meetings.
Since then, Revolutionary Bible Studies based on my book Revolutionary! have been happening all over Colombia.
The Provoke & Inspire event was organized by Alejandro Reyes, a very dynamic young leader who started the ministry, Vertical Music, that reaches much of Latin America. He will be attending our mission school in Germany (SMS17) this summer, along with 11 others from his leadership team.
We have now begun planning a No Longer Music tour in Colombia and Cuba for the near future. Cuba is a country that has really been on my heart lately, so this is such an answer to prayer. I believe a window of opportunity is opening in Cuba, and we need to act now. A tour there during this critical time in history could have an impact on the whole country.
Thank you for your prayers and support that make it possible to bring the love of Jesus to thousands of desperate and hungry young people around the world!
David Pierce
Steiger International Founder
New Come&Live! Website
Come&Live! is a worldwide community of artists, boldly using their God-given talent to share the revolutionary message of Jesus with those outside the church.
Check out the all new Come&Live! website:
Revolutionary Week!
Steiger International Center (Krogis, Germany)
June 19 - 24
God’s heart is broken for this lost generation.
Join us for Revolutionary Week - an open week at the 2017 Steiger Missions School in Germany. You will receive teaching on how to reach this new global culture, and you’ll get a taste for Steiger and our missions school.
Register here:
Pray for No Longer Music
This year, No Longer Music and other Steiger bands will have incredible opportunities to proclaim the message of the Cross to many thousands throughout some of the most desperate parts of Europe, Russia, war-torn Ukraine and Turkey.
We need prayer warriors who will stand with us in the battle!
Please sign up for the No Longer Music prayer list: