International Newsletter May 2017
The Yarovaya laws that restrict the public proclamation of the Gospel are most strictly enforced in this region, as the lawmaker who crafted the bill is from the Kamchatka Peninsula, located in Russia’s Far Eastern District. When the band arrived, Misha (Nuteki’s lead singer) was told that there would be consequences if they preached the Gospel publicly.
Despite restrictions, they were able to perform concerts and invite people to their 6PM informal bible studies, where they could speak openly about Jesus.
During a concert in a small village called Esso, however, Misha felt the Holy Spirit leading him to proclaim Jesus during the concert. He knew this was illegal, but he was continually reminded of Acts 5:28-29. The passage recounts when Peter and the other apostles were brought before the council for refusing to stop preaching in the name of Jesus. Although they had been ordered to keep silent, they could not, because they felt compelled to obey God rather than men.
Micha remembers, “Walking on stage, I saw the crowd of young people, and throughout our performance, I prayed God would give me the courage to preach and pray with the people, and that He would close the eyes of the authorities. I came to the moment during our show when I openly talk about Jesus, and preach the Gospel through my testimony.
Knowing that a lot of people in Esso suffer from alcoholism, and that this has a deep impact on their families, I began to share with them about Christ. I told them that He offers freedom from all the chains they are living in, because He is not dead - He rose again and is alive! Later, I was able to pray for these young people and for their city. It was very powerful! After the concert, our band hung out with many people, and shared more about life with Christ. It was an incredible experience, and we had no problems from the local authorities!”
This summer, Nuteki will be touring with No Longer Music in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Moldova. They will also do a separate tour on their own in Kazakhstan.
All of these concerts are made possible by your generous donations!
For the lost,
Aaron Pierce
Executive Director
Support the No Longer Music Tour 2017
This year, Steiger’s ministry bands, No Longer Music and Nuteki, will have incredible opportunities to proclaim the message of the Cross to many thousands throughout some of the most desperate parts of Europe, Russia, war-torn Ukraine, and Turkey. For many, this will be the first time EVER hearing about Jesus and His love for them. Last year, hundreds surrendered their lives to Jesus during our No Longer Music tour, and this year, we are believing that even more young people will be set free.
But we cannot do this without you!
We will go! Will you send us?
Sponsor a concert
Please prayerfully consider “sponsoring” a concert. A sponsorship gift of US$2,500 will enable No Longer Music and/or Nuteki to conduct a concert reaching lost, secular youth for Jesus. This is a great way for a church, small group or family to come together and participate in reaching the lost.
As a “Concert Sponsor,” you can choose to give towards a concert in a particular country, and you will receive the following:
Before the concert:
- Description of the concert, venue, type of people in attendance
- List of prayer requests from the local church partner
After the concert:
- A report describing the concert and its fruit, including pictures and testimonies
- If you Sponsor half a concert or more, you will also receive a short video (1-3 minutes), summarizing the concert
Pray for No Longer Music
We are very aware of our dependence upon God, knowing we can do nothing without His power and anointing. As a prayer partner taking part in our 24-hour Prayer Chain, you will play a vital role in our effort to reach the lost!
Join prayer warriors from around the world in praying for No Longer Music for one hour of every week, for the duration of the tour (June 12-September 14). As a prayer partner, you will receive regular prayer requests throughout tour.
To sign up, go to: