International Newsletter June 2018
We drove for two straight days from the Steiger International Center in Germany to Tirana, the capital of Albania. After getting settled in, we were taken to the studio of the largest television station in the country.
Sabri, our tour promoter, had managed to arrange for us to do a live interview on a popular late-night talk show - and it was quite the experience.
With little sleep and minimal understanding of how the conversation would go, we were rushed onto the set, where we sat for almost two hours as the host talked to his other guests. Eventually, he turned his attention to us and began asking questions. It was clear that he was very cynical about our reasons for coming to Albania. Multiple times, I tried to explain our purpose for being there, but he wouldn’t let me speak. Finally, I was able to share.
You can watch a video of part of the interview here.
Despite the pressure of the situation, the fact that it was 1 o’clock in the morning, and the difficulty of speaking through translation, I felt God with me. I explained how the world tells us we are just accidents and that there is no purpose for our lives, and how as a result, we numb ourselves to dull the emptiness that we feel. I was able to share that the only hope for Albania is Jesus, that only He can fill us and forgive us. When I was finished, the studio audience began to clap, but the host signaled for them to be quiet.
I could tell he was surprised to hear me explain the Gospel in a non-religious way. He then spent the next ten minutes asking me one hard question after another: Is heaven real? Is abortion a uniquely bad sin? What do you think of the pope? Did Jesus rise from the dead?
It was clear that he was trying to corner me and make me look bad. Again, I felt the Holy Spirit with me, guiding my answers and allowing me to respond relevantly and boldly.
When the interview was over, I was exhausted but extremely grateful for the opportunity. Sabri said, “A million people were able to hear the Gospel because of this interview!” The next day, several Albanian pastors thanked me for the words we had spoken and said they felt greatly encouraged.
Now we are in the middle of a major tour of Albania. Thousands of Albanians are hearing a clear Gospel message during Ramadan. Despite being extremely tired, God continues to use us in powerful ways.
The TV interview and the shows that followed continue to remind me that we serve a God who wants to give us a major platform to share the truth of Jesus. He loves to use weak people to shame the wise, and if we are willing to lift up the Cross, He will use us to literally change nations.
Thanks for all your prayers and support! Pray that Albania is won for Jesus!
Ben Pierce

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We still need concert sponsors. A sponsorship gift of US $2,500 enables No Longer Music to conduct a concert reaching lost, secular youth for Jesus. This is also a great way for a church, small group, or family to come together to reach the lost.
To support the tour financially, please go to:

July 27 - August 4, 2018
Powerful prayer, worship and teaching sessions will provide crucial insights into the globalized culture we live in, and equip you with principles and models for relevantly sharing Jesus, and making disciples among young people who would not usually walk into a church.
From the contemplative atmosphere of the Steiger International Center, we will head out together to bring hope in Jesus to the chaotic scene of Polish Woodstock, the largest open air festival in Europe (around 800,000 young people). We run a free breakfast under a big army tent, and spend our days walking around the festival, talking to people, and using creative means to share the Gospel. It is a great way to put all we learn during Revolutionary Week into practice.
For more information and to register, go to: