International Newsletter June 2019
"One of them has started attending our church and another, a Colombian B-girl, wants to be part of a Bible study to learn more. It was powerful! We give glory to God!”
- Moah Barboza
In mid-May, the Steiger and Come&Live! Brazil team in Sao Paulo held another incredible edition of their ongoing, evangelistic art and music event, Manifeste. They invited MC / B-boy, Zulu, who was a dancer with No Longer Music in past years, to organize a dance battle, and his influence in the secular B-boy and rap scene drew many.
The battles were amazing, and both secular and Christian rappers showed up to perform. Zulu shared his testimony from the mic and impacted people who live the same lifestyle as he does, and know him from other events. Before everyone left, Steiger Brazil team members prayed for each artist who had taken the stage, asking God to bless their lives and their work, and most of all to reveal Himself to them clearly.
You Are God’s Masterpiece!
Steiger Minneapolis partnered with Wooddale Loring Park Church last month to participate in the city’s May Day parade, a pagan Spring celebration attended by about 60,000 people, and generally avoided by Christians. Our team carried a banner declaring, “You Are God’s Masterpiece” with a mobile number that people could text for further contact. Ten people portraying some characters that society often considers unwanted or unlovable, walked with portrait frames and a sign above each, showing how God sees them.
The team received 11 texts from parade-goers who wanted to know more or said they were encouraged by their message, and had many great conversations that led to praying for people, including one who gave his life to Jesus!
SMS #1 / 2019
The first session of Steiger Missions School 2019 is already in its final month! With 48 students and 20 volunteers and staff from 13 different nations, it’s been an amazing time of seeking God, worshipping, learning, discussing, living in community, and getting out to the streets to creatively share Jesus. This month, SMS#1 will be spending a week in Amsterdam, reaching out to this city together with our Steiger Amsterdam team!
NLM in the Baltic States and Finland!
No Longer Music is in the final days of its tour of Finland and the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, doing shows in 13 cities over 15 days! Every night, God’s Spirit has moved people’s hearts and many have received Jesus. On several occasions, an entire family or group of friends all prayed with NLM team members to know God! This is just the first of three NLM tours this summer. Next up is Germany and Poland, with 17 shows in 17 days, beginning June 28! Keep praying for a great harvest for God’s Kingdom.
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Global Youth Summit
REACHING the Largest UNreached Culture Ever to Exist!
Join church and mission leaders, and people from Europe and beyond, to tackle the question of how to reach the Global Youth Culture for Jesus.
This unique, festival-style conference is sure to inspire, energize, and equip you. Impactful teaching sessions will provide crucial insights about the globalized culture we live in. You will be equipped with principles and models (art, music, apologetics, digital, street, etc.) for relevantly sharing Jesus and making disciples among young people who would not usually walk into a church.
Keynote Speakers: Ben Fitzgerald (Bethel, Awakening Europe), Stefan Hänsch (ICF Berlin, Vision Ost), David Pierce, Aaron Pierce, Sandro Baggio, Luke Greenwood (Steiger International)
Panel Speakers: Evi Rodemann (European Youth Ministry Network, Lausanne YLGen), Angela Tkachenko (Steiger), Ben Jack (The Message)
Shows: No Longer Music, Curse of the Vampire, ENY, Watchman
For more info and to register: