International Newsletter July 2019
When a team of six lively Colombians, graduates of SMS 2018, and their Brazilian leader Filipe Junqueira were strategically sent to Amsterdam last April for three months, Steiger had great hopes for all God would do. Our expectations were far exceeded!
The team was fully engaged on three different fronts in the city - street evangelism, being present in the scene, and building relationships with the local Church.
“But what we did most of all was seek God,” Filipe explains, “and once again, I’ve got to say that the fruit of that was clear.”
God gave them clear strategies, and they ran after them with passion and commitment.
They followed significant happenings in the city and throughout the Netherlands, and found creative ways to communicate Jesus clearly and relevantly. From events and holidays like Eurovision, Champions League, Kings Day, and Liberation Day, to environmental and vegan protests, they used every opportunity to share the Gospel in ways that connected to what global youth saw as important. And they found people very open to listen and receive.
The team met key people and God opened doors for them to be very connected to the city’s arts scene in a short time. Taking part in festivals, parties, and club events, they spoke about Jesus, prayed for and connected with people in some of the darkest and most secularized places in Amsterdam.
And in the midst of all of this, they developed good relationships with seven local churches, speaking about Steiger, serving them, and inviting them to take part in their outreaches.
Before the conclusion of their time in the Netherlands, Steiger Amsterdam established a follow-up team of key local believers, whom they began connecting with those who had responded to the Gospel during these months. Some of these team members plan to participate in Steiger’s Global Youth Summit in August, or come to the Steiger Missions School for further training!
As their time in the city came to a close, an unexpected door opened for the Amsterdam team to go to Tirana, Albania for a month, to further pioneer the Steiger work begun there through No Longer Music’s 30-day tour of the nation last summer. Please pray for God to continue to use them powerfully!
Steiger Middle East to Launch The Living Room Cafe
You know you have a problem when a team of missionaries is discussing who not to invite to their evangelistic events.
Steiger’s Middle East team in Beirut is facing a good problem — there are so many people wanting to come to their apologetics discussion nights, worship nights, and weekly Bible studies, which they host primarily in their homes, that there is no room for more people!
This is why Steiger Middle East is launching an evangelistic coffee shop that would take these meetings to the streets! The cafe, called The Living Room, will be designed to curate a thoughtful space for spiritual conversations and encounters with God. It will bring more visibility to the team’s current weekly events and open up many new possibilities: workshops, poetry nights, and concerts, all of which will allow for creative gospel proclamation. And as the community grows, the cafe will also provide a space for planting a church and discipling new believers.
When No Longer Music performed in Beirut in 2008, no one could have imagined how much Steiger’s ongoing discipleship work in the city would explode. But in the last couple years, an amazing community has formed surrounding a weekly, informal Bible study, involving young Middle Eastern people from every religious background – Muslim, Druze, New Age, Atheist, and more.
The Steiger team envisions The Living Room as a vibrant place brimming with life, where people gather to discover more about the Gospel. Even more importantly, it’s where these people themselves come alive as they encounter Jesus, the very source of life!
To hear the amazing testimony behind The Living Room, visit

No Longer Music is currently on its second Summer 2019 tour, which includes 17 shows over 17 days in Germany and Poland! They’ll be hitting major squares, parks, and venues where global youth gather in strategic cities of these two countries. We expect that many thousands will hear about the love of Jesus for the first time!
Despite the persistent threat of rain, challenges with government bureaucracy, and hearts that often matched the coldness of the climate, God repeatedly demonstrated His power and sovereignty during their first summer tour in May.
For a clearer picture of what No Longer Music does, watch the recap video:
Join the NLM Tour Reports & Prayer group on Facebook:
Follow the NLM Tour blog:

Global Youth Summit: REACHING the Largest UNreached Culture Ever to Exist!
Join church and missions leaders, and young people from Europe and beyond, to tackle the question of how to reach the Global Youth Culture for Jesus.
This unique, festival-style conference is sure to inspire, energize, and equip you. Impactful teaching sessions will provide crucial insights about the globalized culture we live in. You will be equipped with principles and models (art, music, apologetics, digital, street, etc.) for relevantly sharing Jesus and making disciples among young people who would not usually walk into a church.
Keynote Speakers: Ben Fitzgerald (Bethel, Awakening Europe), Stefan Hänsch (ICF Berlin, Vision Ost), David Pierce, Aaron Pierce, Sandro Baggio, Luke Greenwood (Steiger International)
Panel Speakers: Evi Rodemann (European Youth Ministry Network, Lausanne YLGen), Angela Tkachenko (Steiger), Ben Jack (The Message)
Shows: No Longer Music, Curse of the Vampire, ENY, Watchman
+ Seminars, Creative Workshops, Exhibitions, Prayer & Worship!
For more info and to register: