International Newsletter September 2019
What a full weekend we had August 9-11 with Steiger’s first GLOBAL YOUTH SUMMIT happening at our International Center in Krögis, Germany!
About 400 participants from all over Europe and beyond, including the students and staff of the second 2019 session of the Steiger Missions School, gathered to explore who the global youth culture is and how we can creatively and effectively reach and disciple them with the uncompromised message of the Gospel.
The event was done in partnership with 14 influential international missions organizations and church movements, and was the first to be officially co-hosted by Steiger and the Lausanne Movement’s Global Secularization Initiative, of which Steiger’s Aaron Pierce and Luke Greenwood are leading advocates.
Rich times of worship and exploring God’s heart for the lost as seen in His Word, challenging and inspiring moments of teaching, panel discussions, seminars, workshops, and shows, and amazing times of community and conversation all made for an unforgettable few days together!
We are excited to see how Steiger International is becoming a reference point for training and mobilization in missions worldwide to reach the largest unreached culture ever to exist—global youth.
Hare Krishnas and Pol’and’Rock Welcome The Unrest
Last month, Steiger band The Unrest was invited to play the Hare Krishna stage at Polish Woodstock (now known as Pol’and’Rock Festival). About 300 people gathered in front of the stage, and a few thousand stood around “Krishna Village,” watching and listening from a distance, as the band shared the clear message of Jesus and the Cross during their set.
When The Unrest left the stage, the MC, dressed in full Krishna attire, thanked them for sharing spiritual truth and for talking about God’s love shown through Jesus on the cross, publicly confirming the Gospel message! Fifteen people responded after the show, and the Krishna leader gladly accepted to be prayed for.
Steiger had a full outreach team at Pol’and’Rock throughout the festival - serving free breakfast and coffee, creatively proclaiming the Gospel, having deep conversations about Jesus, and praying for many who are desperately seeking a purpose in life.
Losing Ties, Bridging the Gap
David and Aaron Pierce recently flew to Seoul, South Korea along with Steiger’s Pioneer Team, for the first ever Steiger Conference in this country. Over 300 leaders and young people representing many churches united in crying out for Korea’s youth!
As David taught about the Global Youth Culture, he asserted that if the leaders wanted to reach their nation’s young people, they needed to be willing to take off their ties - as a symbol of letting go of formal traditions in order to bridge the gap. While David continued speaking, his translator removed his own tie, tossing it aside! One by one, everyone present followed suit in a demonstration of willingness to do whatever is necessary to reach global youth in Korea.
Our pioneering team will remain in Seoul until October, where they are sharing Steiger’s vision with local churches, leading them in outreaches that engage with the secular scene, and studying new ways to communicate the Gospel in the Korean context.
Please pray for everything God is doing in Korea, as this is a key step toward accomplishing Steiger’s vision to establish City Teams throughout Asia.
No Longer Music Impacting Ukraine
No Longer Music just concluded the third and final section of their Summer 2019 Tour in Ukraine! At their first show on August 21 in Zhytomir, over 1500 people heard a clear gospel message and more than 250 gave their lives to Jesus! The following day, 80 of them came to the local follow-up meeting to know more.
This set the stage for a move of God’s Spirit in the ten different cities across the nation where NLM played. A full report of the summer’s three tours will follow next month. Check out the Ukraine tour’s first vlog episode for a taste of what happened:
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