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International Newsletter December 2009

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

Many drunken anarchists came to try and stop our meeting the last time Michael Sengle and I spoke in Genthin, East Germany. One of the punks who came to cause trouble that night was Daniel. The meeting was held in an old abandoned train station and while we preached people shouted and cursed. Despite all the mocking and chaos, we invited the crazy audience to come to the front and give their lives to Jesus. God moved powerfully that night and Daniel was one of those who came to the front along with about 60 others to surrender his life to God. Download pdf

Michael Sengle and David PierceThe youth leader in the city told us that since that night Daniel's life has been completely changed. He has married a beautiful Christian girl and is now in university in Dresden, a totally transformed follower of Jesus! And now, three years later, Michael and I were back in Genthin to speak again. After we spoke 3 young guys stood to give their lives to Jesus for the first time and about half of the others in the meeting knelt to recommit their lives to God.

In November I have spoken 22 times in England, France and Germany. Most of the meetings of been full to overflowing and we have seen huge responses to the gospel everywhere. For example in Solingen, Germany so many people came that there was no room to sit and people were standing against the walls and into the hallway. Among those who responded to Jesus that night was a young lawyer who is on the local city council.

In Thionville, France I spoke in a nice little church which I was told was in a dangerous area among government housing. The church was completely full with people from many different churches in the area. After the meeting many stood at the front of the church and cried for the lost young people in France. Now plans are already underway to do a big evangelistic training seminar next year in April to help church leaders in this area reach the young people for Jesus. We also are planning on sending evangelistic bands to France from Steiger to support the local churches in the area next year as well.

On December 4th I will be going with Michael Sengle to the Middle East to pray with our contacts there and ask Jesus for wisdom about what our next steps should be in that part of the world. After that, I have one meeting in Singapore and I will return to New Zealand with Jodi on December 11th.

I am now totally recovered from my shingles and my health and energy levels have been really good. I know this is because of all of you who have prayed for me and I have felt your prayers. THANK YOU.

David's European Speaking Tour 2009

Thank you also so much for your love and support this year. I can't really express how grateful Jodi and I are for how you "hold up our arms" in ministry. Thousands of lost and broken young people have heard about Jesus for the first time all over the world this year because of your faithfulness.

May God give you an amazing Christmas!

For the lost,
David & Jodi Pierce
Steiger International

Prayer Needs

  1. We still need 70,000Euros by December 10th which is the deadline to buy the Dresden property in Germany that will serve as our European Headquarters to train and equip creative evangelistic church planting teams around the world. It will also serve as a contemplative retreat for non Christian travelers in Europe who are seeking God. Consider if you should invest in this important project.
  2. Pray that God gives Michael and me His heart when we meet with our contacts in the Middle East. Please pray for God’s protection over this trip.
  3. Pray for the street outreach “Euro Café” that is run by Steiger Karlsruhe., Germany A team of people offer coffee and prayer in a square in the middle of the city on Saturday evenings. Pray for boldness, words of knowledge and discernment for the people they meet.
  4. Pray for the people that God wants to attend our Radical Missions School in Dresden in 2010. Pray that they will overcome any obstacles to coming and that God will prepare them.
  5. Pray that God would provide an office worker and graphic designer for the International Office
  6. Pray for all of our teams around the world that they will boldly preach the Gospel and that God will keep them safe.

If you would like to receive a weekly email that includes the latest prayer requests submitted by Steiger missionaries from around the world, please send your name and email address to prayer@steger.org

Discipleship Schools
Fuel - 1 Mar-13 Jun 2010, GermanyFuel: 1 Mar - 13 Jun 2010, Germany
Shift: 6 Sept - 3 Dec 2010, USA
Lift: 6 Sept 2010 - 30 Jan 2011, Germany

Have you been thinking about a Discipleship School lately? We run three different Schools throughout the year.

Find more information under “Get Involved”.

Radical Missions School
6 April - 20 May 2010
Dresden, Germany

Is God challenging you to go deeper in your commitment to Him, to be willing to take the next step of obedience, no matter where it takes you?

Consider coming to our 2010 Radical Missions School.

For more information and to download an Application Pack, go to section “Get Involved

Intercessory Prayer Team
Twin Cities, Minnesota

Any significant move of God begins with prayer and we invite you to come along side us in prayer as we, together, seek to reach the lost people of our world for Jesus. The newly established Intercessory Prayer Team meetings will take place on the first Thursday of every month (starting in January 2010). We will pray for Steiger's missionaries, ministries and opportunities/needs around the world. The meetings will probably include worship and include local Steiger missionaries. This team will be led by Dale Kersten (dalekersten@hotmail.com). Thanks Dale!

First meeting:
When: 7pm - Thursday, January 7th, 2010
Where: Chapel Hill Church.4888 Pilot Knob Rd,Eagan, MN 55122

We are seeking people who will commit to this ministry. If you feel that this is something God is calling you to be a part of, please send Dale (dalekersten@hotmail.com) your name and contact information.

Note: We are planning similar meetings in Sioux Falls, SD and Des Moines, IA.

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International Newsletter January 2010
International Newsletter November 2009










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