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International Newsletter January 2010

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

For no reason, the sister of the young leader we are supporting in a Middle Eastern city was thrown in prison. (Because this is a sensitive issue I can’t go into the details of this.) He had just spent all night with a lawyer to get her free before we arrived. The pressure in this city is intense and everything is a battle. Download pdf

NLM ConcertMichael Sengle and I met with him and the rest of the Middle Eastern team in a shopping mall where guards open the trunk of your car and check for bombs with a device that is a “bomb sniffer”. We talked about all the young people that had come to Jesus and how much we need to find a place to meet. The venue we had earlier had to be abandoned because of problems with the landlord.

Michael and I prayed with the team there and met with some who recently came to Jesus. I also had the privilege of dedicating a beautiful baby girl to God in an Arab part of the city.

Prayer after a ConcertI believe it’s VERY important that this young leader and his family come to our Radical Missions School in Dresden, Germany in 2010. He is exhausted and would really benefit from getting out of the battle for a while so he can get refreshed and built up. His wife also has a condition that has caused all of her hair to fall out and I want to get her to a doctor in Germany. It is not easy to get a visa to leave this country. We also need sponsors for this family. PLEASE pray for this!

Steiger Elders and Vision Team

One of the 3 buildings on the Dresden property that we would like to purchase.This last year has been extremely fruitful. Because of your faithful support the death and resurrection of Jesus was demonstrated publicly before thousands in Finland, Croatia and the Middle East and new full-time works have been established as a result. Other doors have opened to bring Jesus to the lost young people in New Zealand, USA, Australia, White Russia, France, Poland, Turkey and the Middle East.

A second No Longer Music Team led by Luke & Anna Greenwood will begin in 2010 in Sao Paulo, Brazil under the leadership of Sandro Baggio’s church. A big South American evangelistic tour is being planned later this year.

A new European Headquarters is being established outside of Dresden, Germany where we can train, encourage and release hundreds of missionaries like the young leader in the Middle East “because the harvest is great and the workers are few.”

One of the 3 buildings on the Dresden property that we would like to purchase.Thank you for the part you play in bringing the love of Jesus to so many.

For the lost,
David & Jodi Pierce
Steiger International

Prayer Needs

  1. We ONLY need US$15,000 to cover the remaining buying costs. Pray for all the legal negotiations with the bank to be settled quickly as the closing date was moved at the last minute. PLEASE PRAY!!
  2. Pray for Jodi and her team as they prepare for the Radical Missions School that begins in April in Dresden, Germany.
  3. Pray for sponsors for the Middle Eastern family and for visas so that they can come to the Radical Missions school and that we can find a doctor to help with this medical condition.
  4. Pray for my upcoming speaking tour in Australia & New Zealand. That God gives me fresh anointing and power to preach.
  5. Pray for all of our teams around the world that Jesus will keep them safe while He gives them courage to boldly proclaim the gospel. We have been attacked lately with lots of sickness. Please pray for good health for our workers.
  6. Pray for Kate Gilmor who leads our International Office in Karlsruhe, Germany. We are in great need of missionary administrators, graphic artists, and event planners to assist her.

If you would like to receive a weekly email that includes the latest prayer requests submitted by Steiger missionaries from around the world, please send your name and email address to prayer@steger.org

Discipleship Schools
Fuel - 1 Mar-13 Jun 2010, GermanyFuel: 1 Mar - 13 Jun 2010, Germany
Shift: 6 Sept - 3 Dec 2010, USA
Lift: 6 Sept 2010 - 30 Jan 2011, Germany

Have you been thinking about a Discipleship School lately? We run three different Schools throughout the year.

Find more information under “Get Involved”.

Radical Missions School
6 April - 20 May 2010
Dresden, Germany

Is God challenging you to go deeper in your commitment to Him, to be willing to take the next step of obedience, no matter where it takes you?

Consider coming to our 2010 Radical Missions School.

For more information and to download an Application Pack, go to section “Get Involved

Intercessory Prayer Team
Twin Cities, Minnesota

Any significant move of God begins with prayer and we invite you to come along side us in prayer as we, together, seek to reach the lost people of our world for Jesus. The newly established Intercessory Prayer Team meetings will take place on the first Thursday of every month (starting in January 2010). We will pray for Steiger's missionaries, ministries and opportunities/needs around the world. The meetings will probably include worship and include local Steiger missionaries. This team will be led by Dale Kersten (dalekersten@hotmail.com). Thanks Dale!

First meeting:
When: 7pm - Thursday, January 7th, 2010
Where: Chapel Hill Church.4888 Pilot Knob Rd,Eagan, MN 55122

We are seeking people who will commit to this ministry. If you feel that this is something God is calling you to be a part of, please send Dale (dalekersten@hotmail.com) your name and contact information.

Note: We are planning similar meetings in Sioux Falls, SD and Des Moines, IA.

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International Newsletter February 2010
International Newsletter December 2009










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