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International Newsletter December 2014

Despite it’s stunning beauty, New Zealand has one of the highest youth suicide rates in the world and cutting (self harm) is now epidemic among young people there. Our Steiger New Zealand team recently ran a photographic exhibition called “Diaries of Despair” in Tauranga, New Zealand.

The exhibition told the stories of seven people who had been in dark places common to young people in New Zealand – suicide, depression, addiction, rejection and cutting (self harm) - and how they made it through with God's help.

The exhibition exposed the darkness of these issues and offered Hope – a way out and freedom through Jesus.

Mark (not his real name) was weeping as he came out of the exhibition.  He identified personally with the issues highlighted in the photographs and explained how his girlfriend cuts herself and he didn’t know what to do. The Steiger team prayed with him and the next day he gave his life to Jesus! The Steiger team continues to see him regularly and the radical change in his life is so evident.

After going through the exhibition, another young woman suffering from depression, addictions, self harm and suicidal thoughts was invited to one of the “community dinners” held at the Steiger community house. The team shared the Gospel with her there and talked about how God is a forgiving God.

The response from the community was overwhelmingly positive.  Over 1000 people came through - the majority of them looking for answers. About 75% of these people were unchurched and the Steiger team had hundreds of opportunities to share the hope that Jesus gives and to pray with people.

Many people have asked if we will be taking this to other cities.  We are now praying about what God wants to do with this powerful tool.

Praise the Lord for all that He is doing through Steiger around the world!

For the lost!
David Pierce



Preaching in a Gang-Controlled Prison in Brazil

Last month, David Pierce and Luke Greenwood were able to preach in a dangerous gang-controlled prison in São Paulo, Brazil.  David explained how much God's love burned for them and why Jesus had to die. He shared the story of the blind beggar who cried out to Jesus, asking for mercy and how Jesus gave him his sight back.

David challenged the prisoners to cry out to God for mercy - like the blind beggar. Many prisoners responded and for over an hour after that, David and Luke answered questions and prayed with the men. It was quite exhausting, but beautiful time!



Platform Capacity Building Initiatives

In order to multiply the effectiveness of No Longer Music, Steiger launched a key multiplication initiative known as “Platform” in 2006. Platform exists to identify, train, equip and release Christian artists as missionaries to proclaim the Gospel outside of the church culture.

Our vision is to raise Christian musicians and artists who are proclaiming the Gospel to 1 million young people annually and, by God’s power, thousands will come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior!

In the next 3 years, Steiger is planning more evangelistic concerts than the last 10 years combined!

To do this, Steiger is focused on the “Platform Capacity Building Initiatives” that will:

1. Improve awareness and recruiting for future Platform members

2. Upgrade the No Longer Music vehicles, stage trailer and equipment.

3. Enhance training facilities

Thanks to the generosity of private Christian foundation, we have a $1 for $1 matching pledge up to $100,000 to fund this important project.  In other words, your gift toward this project will be doubled!

Would you prayerfully consider playing a significant role in enabling Steiger to raise up young evangelists who will reach the secularized global youth culture for Christ all over the world?

See www.steiger.org/match for more information about this matching pledge opportunity.



Steiger Krögis

Strategically located in Saxony, Germany, Steiger Krögis is the starting point for ministries and missionaries called to reach Europe and the Middle East for Jesus.

Our vision is to have a radical impact with the Gospel on this lost generation here in Germany and around the world.

Steiger Krögis depends on the support and partnership of people who share its passion for reaching and discipling the "Secularized Global Youth Culture" for Jesus.

Steiger Krogis currently needs to raise an additional 1.000 Euros per month to cover operational costs.

We are looking for 20 “friends of Steiger Krögis” to make a donation of 50 Euros per month (or more). Would you prayerfully consider setting up automatic monthly donations? Donations of any amount will make a big difference!

You can set up regular or one off donations to the following account:

Steiger Krögis
Sparkasse Meissen
IBAN DE94 8505 5000 3150 0500 13



No Longer Music is coming to New Zealand!

January 21 - Feb 1, 2015

For the first time in 20 years, No Longer Music will be heading to New Zealand for a 12 day tour in late January. This tour will not only be an amazing tool for reaching the lost here in New Zealand, but it will also be a great way of raising the awareness of Steiger here in New Zealand.

We need you!

We need to raise $30,000 to make this New Zealand tour happen. Will you partner with us? You can “sponsor” a concert for $2,000 or make a donation of any size to make this tour a reality!

How can I contribute?

  • Direct deposit from your bank or credit card:

    Bank: BNZ
Account: 02 0536 0403684

  • Call the Steiger NZ Office +647 929 6690

  • Send a cheque made out to ‘Steiger' to the following address:
    Steiger New Zealand 18 Westwood Street Tauranga, 3110


Diaries of Despair, true tales of turnaround - a photographic exhibitionSteiger New Zealand - photografic exhibitionSteiger New Zealand - photografic exhibitionSteiger New Zealand - photographic exhibitionGang-controlled prison in São Paulo, Brazil No Longer Music in New Zealand

SMS15 - Apply Now!

Now taking applications for the 2015 Steiger Missions School

Has God called you to the mission field? Has He called you to reach and disciple the Secularized Global Youth Culture for Jesus?

Apply online: www.steiger.org/sms

Like the Steiger Missions School on Facebook


International Newsletter January 2015
International Newsletter November 2014










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