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International Newsletter July 2012

David and Jodi PierceDear friends,

Below is a testimony from Aaron and Jennifer Pierce’s newsletter about a girl who gave her life to Jesus as a result of a NLM concert last summer:
“I was very touched. I was very impressed. My heart was melting. After the concert, when David made the altar call, I felt the presence of God and I RAN forward” said Ala, a young Ukrainian girl who attended a No Longer Music concert in Sumy, Ukraine last summer.

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Ala respondingAfter the No Longer Music concert, Ala began coming regularly to the “art café” - an evangelistic café started by a group of Ukrainian students who attended Steiger’s Radical Missions School in Germany (steiger.org/rms) last summer.
Ala began attending a weekly bible hour at the art café, where she could ask honest questions about God and her life. After a time, Ala decided to fully commit her life to Jesus! “My life has totally changed since I have known Christ. I know that I am never alone and I can have the victory in any situation” she said.

In April, Ala attended Steiger’s “mini” Mission School - a week long school that introduces students to the vision of Steiger International and teaches the basic principles and foundations of what it means to be a missionary. The school was taught by Steiger missionaries Aaron Pierce and Filip Pasek.
At the school, Ala’s passion for the Lord and the lost was obvious. She was hungry for truth and excited to tell others about Jesus! Besides Ala, there were 24 students from 10 cities throughout Ukraine and one from Russia. They were all passionate about reaching the lost!

Ala at the Art CaféSeven students, including Ala, were invited from the “mini” school to attend the Steiger’s full Radical Missions School in Germany this summer. These students, along with the 16 students that attended the school last year, will form the core of the Steiger Ukraine team.
One of the visions we have for Steiger Ukraine is the formation of a Russian speaking No Longer Music team. This team would use music, theatre and art to reach secularized youth throughout the Russian speaking world, including Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and others. This is all a part of Steiger’s larger goal of multiplying the ministry of No Longer Music.
Thank you for your prayers and support. You truly do hold our hands up in the battle!

David Pierce
No Longer Music
Steiger International

Prayer Needs

  1. Students at RMS 2012Pray for the students who have just arrived at the Radical Missions School (RMS) which started on June 16th. Pray that they will have open hearts to what God wants to do over the next 10 weeks.
  2. Pray for the staff of the RMS as they run the school. Pray for wisdom and power as they lead this diverse group of people. Pray also for protection for them and their families as they have a strategic role to play in releasing future workers into the harvest.
  3. Pray for the final preparations of the NLM tours that start soon. Pray for protection for each team as they travel and for open hearts to the gospel in every situation.
  4. Pray for the preparations for the Manifest Festival in August. Pray for good promotion, financial support, for the organizers and most of all for many non Christians to come.

If you would like to receive a weekly email that includes the latest prayer requests submitted by Steiger missionaries from around the world, please send your name and email address to prayer@steiger.org

No Longer Music Tour 2012

NLM Tour 2012 mapNo Longer Music Tour 2012 is under way!

This year, the No Longer Music teams (yes, teams!) will be doing extensive evangelistic tours throughout Europe and the Middle East. When it’s all said and done, there could be up to 45 concerts in 10 countries!

28 June - 5 July - Turkey
5 - 12 July - Albania
12 - 19 July - Kosovo
19 - 23 July - Spain
23 - 28 July - Germany
29 July - 16 August - Poland
17 - 19 August - Manifest Festival
22 August - 3 Sept - Finland & Russia
Sept - Oct - Egypt & Lebanon

You can follow the tour online by going to:

Blog : www.steiger.org/nlmtour
Facebook: www.facebook.com/steigerint
Twitter: www.twitter.com/steigerint
Vimeo: www.vimeo.com/steigerint

We Need You!

Manifest Festival

Steiger’s evangelistic music and art festival “Manifest” (17-19 August) exists to offer the lost young people (17-35 years of age) of Europe the opportunity to break free from the enslavement of the world’s lies by presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a relevant, clear and bold way through music, art and other creative means.
The festival is located on the grounds of Steiger’s Inter-national Headquarters in Krögis, Germany (near Dresden). The focus is on evangelism and discipleship, including bands, artists, speakers, workshops, seminars, 24-hour prayer and ministry room and street teams.
In order to reach as many lost young people as possible, the festival is FREE to attend. The festival is run by unpaid volunteers and Steiger missionaries, so the total budget is only €26,000.

Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us by “sponsoring” a portion of the festival?
As a sponsor, you will take ownership of the festival by sponsoring a particular stage on a particular day. You will receive prayer requests prior to the festival and a full report and short summary video afterwards.

Here are the areas that need sponsorship:

Main Stage: €2,500 per night (Fri & Sat)
Inside Stage: €1,500 per night (Fri & Sat)
Café Stage: €750 per night (Fri & Sat
Workshops & Seminars: €1,000 per day (Sat & Sun)
24 Prayer Room: €500 per day (Fri, Sat & Sun)

You can make a donation by:
PayPal: manifest@steiger-kroegis.org
Credit Card: www.steiger.org/donate

Or donate directly into a Steiger account:
Steiger Saxony
Account: 31 500 500 13
BLZ 850 550 00

New Zealand:
Steiger International
Account: 02 0536 0403684 00

Any enquires/questions to manifest@pleitegeier.com

Manifest Festival

Promote the Festival!

If you are interested in helping us promote the festival in your city, please contact us at manifest@pleitegeier.com and we can send you a promoters packet. This is a great way to partner with us to reach the lost of your city!

Lift Discipleship SchoolManifest Festival in Krögis, Germany

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International Newsletter August 2012
International Newsletter June 2012










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