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International Newsletter June 2012

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends
I first met Cocke a few years ago in one of the most important clubs in Santiago, Chile. He was the lead guitarist in a well known Chilean metal band and was responsible for mixing our sound that night. The atmosphere in the club was crazy and lots of drugs and alcohol were being consumed.

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Cocke’s water baptism in 2009While my band No Longer Music was waiting backstage, one of the singers in a band that was performing before us collapsed backstage because he had taken too much speed. When we started to play and the crowd understood that our message was about Jesus, they began to jeer and swear while a pornographic video played on a TV behind the bar.
Despite all of this, when I was preaching at the end of our show some said they felt a “life force” coming from my body - their way of describing the Holy Spirit.

The next day we were playing in an old warehouse. Before my translator could translate for me, Cocke began to translate passionately from the sound board telling people that Jesus was the answer. Afterwards I asked Cocke why he did that and he said that he didn’t want to but when I started to speak he began shaking and sweating and the words were “forced out of his mouth”. He was not a follower of Jesus and yet the Holy Spirit was so strong that he had to translate my preaching. A day or two later he fell to his knees and gave his life to Jesus. Now he has a family and is a passionate young evangelist and wants to begin a Chilean No Longer Music to reach this lost generation in Chile and other Spanish speaking countries in South America.

2011 RMS StudentsHe and his family are just one example of those who will be attending the Steiger Radical Missions School (RMS) in Krögis, Germany that is starting this month.
Another girl - Ewa from Poland (who is on the European No Longer Music team this year) - came to Jesus through a No Longer Music show in Poland. In fact in Poland we will be doing 12-15 evangelistic concerts throughout the country and many are being organized by people who came to Jesus in previous No Longer Music concerts.
It is so encouraging to see such a history of people coming to Jesus and the long lasting fruit and multiplication that is occurring. Pray that, as we embark on our European/Middle Eastern tours, thousands have the opportunity to hear about God’s love and that new ministries and churches continue to be raised up as a result.

Students praying for each other at last year’s RMSAlso pray for Jodi and Luke and the rest of the RMS leader-ship team in Krögis, Germany. We are full to overflowing this year in Krögis with potential radical young missionaries and staff from Poland, Germany, England, Chile, Brazil, USA, Swaziland, India, Nigeria, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia and New Zealand. It is a real challenge to house all of those that are coming this year. A great problem to have!!

Thank you for your prayers and support. You truly do hold our hands up in the battle!

David Pierce
Steiger International

Prayer Needs

  1. Pray for the students coming to the Radical Missions School (RMS) starting on June 16th. Pray for the last minute things they will be organizing, for financial provision and also for protection while they travel to Germany.

  2. Pray for the staff of the RMS as they do their final preparations for the school. Pray for protection for them and their families as they have a strategic role to play in releasing future workers into the harvest.

  3. Pray for Robert Michalski who is the European NLM tour director and for David Wilson who is the Middle East NLM tour director. Pray for wisdom as they finalize venues and for doors to be opened.

  4. Pray for “Alegorica” (NLM Brazil) - for God’s anointing and for boldness as they prepare for their tour in Finland and in Russia. Pray also that God would provide the finances they need.

If you would like to receive a weekly email that includes the latest prayer requests submitted by Steiger missionaries from around the world, please send your name and email address to prayer@steiger.org

No Longer Music Tour 2012

Join the Prayer Team for the 2012 No Longer Music Tour

We are very aware of our dependence on God. We realize that this tour will only be a success with God’s guidance and protection. Please join the NLM prayer team by committing to pray for the NLM tour at least one hour a week for the duration of the tour.
Please email sheryl@steiger.org with your name and preferred email address(es) to which you would like to receive regular prayer requests throughout the tour.

Follow the 2012 No Longer Music Tour online

This year, the No Longer Music teams (yes, teams!) will be doing extensive evangelistic tours throughout Europe and the Middle East. When it’s all said and done, there could be up to 45 concerts in 10 countries! You can follow the tour online by going to:

Blog : www.steiger.org/nlmtour
Facebook: www.facebook.com/steigerint
Twitter: www.twitter.com/steigerint
Vimeo: www.vimeo.com/steigerint

Lift Discipleship SchoolManifest Festival in Krögis, Germany

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International Newsletter July 2012
International Newsletter May 2012










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