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International Newsletter March 2011

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

My first trip to Sumy, Ukraine was nine months ago. Sumy is not easy to get to because there is no airport in the city and your only option is a crazy 5 hour drive from Kiev. Since the fall of communism the country is almost totally controlled by organized crime. Download pdf

Ukraine Map - click to see a larger imageEverything is corrupt. Police stop you randomly for bribes and if you don't pay them you spend hours or even days at the police station. I was pretty exhausted when we finally arrived in the city. After having meetings all day long in a big church I was asked to preach in the city center.

I felt like my preaching wasn't particularly good that night and still 20 young people gave their lives to Jesus. One of those who responded was a young guy whose life was being destroyed by drugs & alcohol. He told me that when he heard me speak he knew that what I was saying was true and that Jesus was the only one who could save him. The Gospel message is powerful even when I don't feel powerful.

The world is a desperate place and people are being slaughtered by the world's lies. That's why we are committed to train, equip and send out radical evangelists and evangelistic artists all over the world that will boldly tell a broken world that Jesus loves them.

People responding to David’s message in Sumy, Ukraine last yearThat's why I am so excited about the 33 young Ukrainians who will be attending the Steiger Radical Missions School in Krogis, Germany in June. They include five youth pastors, three worship leaders, dancers, musicians, a painter who has a real heart to bring people to Jesus through painting, a leader of an evangelistic drama group that has been doing evangelistic concerts all over Ukraine, a gifted administrator, a sound engineer, and some incredible young Ukrainian evangelists who are fluent in Russian and want to bring Jesus to Russia.

We also have people coming from India, USA, Germany, Poland, Brazil and Chile, Nigeria and Swaziland.

Here is a statement from one of our African students: "The African youth have a problem of thinking Christianity is just the doctrines and traditions they were taught. They don't understand that you can serve and know the Lord personally. They are difficult to reach but I believe the radical ministry of Steiger and No Longer Music is just the wake up and right direction that would bring them to understanding God not just as a doctrine but as a father who wants a loving relationship with them.

Please pray for Jodi, Luke & Anja Greenwood and all the preparations for this year's RMS school in Krogis, Germany. Also please pray for the European No Longer Music team as plans are underway for a major tour in Ukraine, Poland, Germany and the Middle East.

Thank you for holding our arms up in the battle!

For the lost,
David & Jodi Pierce
Steiger International

2011 No Longer Music Tour
Europe & the Middle East

No Longer MusicThis summer (June 1 - August 23), our European “No Longer Music” team will be doing an extensive evangelistic tour to Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Turkey, Bulgaria, Kosovo and possibly Iraq and Lebanon. We believe that thousands of cynical, disenfranchised young people will have the opportunity to hear about the real Jesus and that, by God’s power, hundreds will come to know Him as their Lord and Savior and receive the discipleship to become mature members of the body of Christ.

The total tour budget is $85,000 (which does not include costs covered by local organizers). In order to meet this need, we are seeking financial and prayer partners to “adopt” a portion of the tour in one of two ways:

1. Sponsor a NLM Team Member.

The total costs per member is $4,200. You can sponsor one or more NLM team members for anywhere between one day ($50) and a full tour ($4,200).

Sponsorship Levels:
$50 1 Day
$100 2 Days
$350 1 Week
$1400 4 Weeks

The NLM tour is 12 weeks long

2. Sponsor a NLM Concert
A gift of $2,000 will cover the costs of one concert. You choose to sponsor all or a portion of a No Longer Music concert in a specific country. Perhaps your church, small group or family could work together to sponsor a concert. All sponsors will receive a personalized report about their sponsored concert and those that sponsor an entire concert will receive a video report.

Sponsorship Levels:
$500 1/4 Concert
$1000 1/2 Concert
$1500 3/4 Concert
$2000 Full Concert

Donations can be made online at www.steiger.org/donate. Please specify "NLM Tour" and the specific area of sponsorship in the purpose of donation box.

The list of NLM team members and more information about the tour can be found at www.steiger.org/nlmtour.

Please keep this need in your prayers!

Prayer Needs

  1. We need sponsors for students who will be attending the Radical Missionary School in June. We have people coming literally from all over the world to this school. I am excited to see what God is going to do with many of these potential radical young missionaries
  2. Pray for Jodi and Luke & Ania Greenwood as they put the Radical Missionary School team together and for Kate Gilmor as she helps with communication and administrative support for the school.
  3. Pray for God’s provision for the European No Longer Music tour. Please pray for the team members we need (click here for more information) as well as for the finances to cover the costs of the tour. Pray that God will prepare the hearts of the thousands of people who will hear a clear message of the gospel through this tour. Pray also for Jennifer & Aaron Pierce who are managing this year’s tour.
  4. Please pray for David’s upcoming evangelistic speaking tour that begins on Feb 27 in Australia and New Zealand. Pray for the right message in every venue and for a great presence of the Holy Spirit. You can find out David’s schedule on our website www.steiger.org under Calender.

If you would like to receive a weekly email that includes the latest prayer requests submitted by Steiger missionaries from around the world, please send your name and email address to prayer@steger.org


Saturday, May 21st
Minneapolis, MN (USA)

The No Longer Music "Send Off" Show.
Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about the 2011 tour, see the "show" in person and meet and pray with NLM team members.

Steiger on Facebook

Steiger on Facebook"Like" Steiger on Facebook!

We post pictures, prayer requests, videos and other news on the Steiger Facebook page on a regular basis! Also, check out Steiger's "Favorite Pages" for a list of other Steiger ministries on Facebook, including "No Longer Music", "NLM Alegorica" (Brazilian NLM team) and the "Escape the Rat Cage Festival".

2011 No Longer Music Tour
Europe & the Middle East

No Longer MusicThis summer (June 1 - August 23), Steiger’s “No Longer Music” will be doing an extensive evangelistic tour to Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Turkey, Bulgaria, Kosovo and possibly Iraq and Lebanon. We believe that thousands of cynical, disenfranchised young people will have the opportunity to hear about the real Jesus and that, by God’s power, hundreds will come to know Him as their Lord and Savior and receive the discipleship to become mature members of the body of Christ.

We are seeking financial and prayer partners to “adopt” a NLM concert or an NLM team member. Every NLM team member is responsible to raise $2,000 and we are seeking "sponsors" to cover the remaining $2,200. $50 covers one day of tour for one team member and $350 covers a week. A "concert sponsorship" gift of $2,000 will enable No Longer Music to put on a concert to reach lost secular youth for Jesus. As a sponsor, you will receive specific prayer requests and reports related to the concert and/or team member that you sponsor.

No Longer Music - European Tour 2011The total tour budget is $85,000. We need $30,000 to cover flights and initial expenses by April 1st. Please keep this need in your prayers and consider sponsoring some portion of the tour.

See www.steiger.org/nlmtour for more information.

Saturday, May 21st
Minneapolis, MN (USA)

The No Longer Music "Send Off" Show.
Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about the 2011 tour, see the "show" in person and meet and pray with NLM team members.

Radical Missionary School
18 June - 23 August 2011, Krögis Germany

Radical Missionary School

Is God calling you to the mission field?
Do you have the heart to reach and disciple the global youth culture for Christ?
Are you ready to take the next step?
Read more

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International Newsletter April 2011
International Newsletter February 2011










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