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International Newsletter February 2011

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

I first met Cocke about 4 years ago when we were on tour in Chile. He was not a follower of Jesus at that time and he was playing in a well known Chilean metal band. Our band, No Longer Music, was playing in a club in Santiago and he was mixing our sound. Download pdf

Cocke Cumplido and his family, Santiago, ChileIt was a crazy night! While we waited backstage the singer in the band playing before us collapsed on the floor from doing too much speed. There was vomit everywhere in the bathrooms from people getting sick from all the alcohol they were consuming. When we came on the stage and started presenting Jesus to the crowd, many started to swear at us and the bartender put on a pornographic video behind the bar. It was very difficult but we were still able to have many good conversations with people that night despite all the opposition.

The next day we played in another club and I had invited someone from a local church to come and translate my preaching after the concert. But before my translator could translate, Cocke started translating from the sound desk. He passionately translated my words into Spanish and told the people in the club that Jesus was the answer.

Afterwards, I asked Cocke why he translated my preaching. He told me that he didn't want to but said that when I started to speak he started sweating and shaking and that the words were forced out of his mouth. A few days later Cocke came to a meeting we were having in a local church and he fell to his knees and gave his life to Jesus because he saw that Jesus is not just talk but powerful and worth surrendering his life to. Since then his life has been totally transformed and God has given him the heart of a radical evangelist.

ChileJodi and I met with Cocke in Santiago, Chile a few months ago. He wept when we were reunited and told Jodi and I how God has given him a broken heart for the lost in his city and about his desire to start a Chilean "No Longer Music" team to bring the message of Jesus into the clubs in South America.

I believe Cocke has a real calling on his life and we need to support him in this calling. So we are making plans for Cocke and his family to attend our Radical Missionary School in Krögis, Germany beginning on June 18 and ending on August 23 this year. The plan would be that, after he and his wife complete the school, they would return to Santiago and start a Chilean No Longer Music to bring the message of Jesus into the unreached club scene in Chile and Spanish speaking South America.

At the same time Luke Greenwood & Sandro Baggio are planning a mini-Steiger school in Santiago, Chile in December. Their goal is to establish a full time Steiger base there to support this new project and encourage and train local leaders and pastors in this kind of ministry.

Thank you for your support in bringing Jesus to so many around the world who rarely have a chance to hear that God loves them.

For the lost,
David & Jodi Pierce
Steiger International

Prayer Needs

  1. We need sponsors for students like Cocke who will be attending the Radical Missionary School in June. I will give you more details on how you can sponsor a student in the next newsletter. We have people coming literally from all over the world to this school. I am excited to see what God is going to do with many of these potential radical young missionaries. I am believing God for 100 students.
  2. Pray for Jodi and Luke & Ania Greenwood as they put the Radical Missionary School team together and for Kate Gilmor as she helps with communication and administrative support for the school.
  3. Please pray for wisdom on how we should proceed in Lebanon and how to follow up the MTV Lebanon interview we did in November last year. The political situation there is fragile and I think we have a window of opportunity to present Jesus. Please pray that God gives us wisdom as to the next steps.
  4. Please pray for my upcoming evangelistic speaking tour that begins on Feb 27 in Australia and New Zealand. Pray for the right message in every venue and for a great presence of the Holy Spirit. You can find out my schedule on our website www.steiger.org under Calender.
  5. Please pray for Jennifer & Aaron Pierce who are managing the evangelistic tour for the European No Longer Music in 2011 in the US, Europe and Middle East.
  6. Please pray for all the Steiger Missionaries around the world. Pray that they will be faithful in proclaiming Jesus and courageous to go wherever God leads them. If you want more information about how to pray for Steiger, sign up for our prayer network (prayer@steiger.org).

If you would like to receive a weekly email that includes the latest prayer requests submitted by Steiger missionaries from around the world, please send your name and email address to prayer@steger.org

Steiger on Facebook

Steiger on Facebook"Like" Steiger on Facebook!

We post pictures, prayer requests, videos and other news on the Steiger Facebook page on a regular basis! Also, check out Steiger's "Favorite Pages" for a list of other Steiger ministries on Facebook, including "No Longer Music", "NLM Alegorica" (Brazilian NLM team) and the "Escape the Rat Cage Festival".

2011 No Longer Music Tour
Europe & the Middle East

No Longer MusicThis summer (June 1 - August 23), Steiger’s “No Longer Music” will be doing an extensive evangelistic tour to Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Turkey, Bulgaria, Kosovo and possibly Iraq and Lebanon. We believe that thousands of cynical, disenfranchised young people will have the opportunity to hear about the real Jesus and that, by God’s power, hundreds will come to know Him as their Lord and Savior and receive the discipleship to become mature members of the body of Christ.

We are seeking financial and prayer partners to “adopt” a NLM concert or an NLM team member. Every NLM team member is responsible to raise $2,000 and we are seeking "sponsors" to cover the remaining $2,200. $50 covers one day of tour for one team member and $350 covers a week. A "concert sponsorship" gift of $2,000 will enable No Longer Music to put on a concert to reach lost secular youth for Jesus. As a sponsor, you will receive specific prayer requests and reports related to the concert and/or team member that you sponsor.

No Longer Music - European Tour 2011The total tour budget is $85,000. We need $30,000 to cover flights and initial expenses by April 1st. Please keep this need in your prayers and consider sponsoring some portion of the tour.

See www.steiger.org/nlmtour for more information.

Saturday, May 21st
Minneapolis, MN (USA)

The No Longer Music "Send Off" Show.
Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about the 2011 tour, see the "show" in person and meet and pray with NLM team members.

Radical Missionary School
18 June - 23 August 2011, Krögis Germany

Radical Missionary School

Is God calling you to the mission field?
Do you have the heart to reach and disciple the global youth culture for Christ?
Are you ready to take the next step?
Read more


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International Newsletter March 2011
International Newsletter January 2011










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