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International Newsletter May 2010

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

Amanda was born in Wales and before the age of two was abandoned by her mother. Her father, a former US Marine, had similar intentions but was beaten to the task. Left with no choice, he stuck it out and raised Amanda and her sister on his own. Soon, Amanda’s uncle paid for her family to move to the US; life wasn’t going to be getting any easier. Download pdf

David Pierce in  UkraineShortly after arriving in the US, Amanda’s uncle lost his job and this forced Amanda and her family on to the streets. From age four to age seven Amanda lived in a 1972 Ford pickup truck. Despite all the struggles, Amanda’s dad gave his life to Jesus but sadly Amanda drifted further from God. The inner city church they decided to attend turned out to be a misnomer as it wasn’t filled with inner city people at all. In fact the church rejected Amanda and her family. Kids in the youth group would make fun of Amanda. They would beat her up and put out cigarettes on her arms and legs leaving scars visible today.

Amanda rejected God and spent her high school years antagonizing those who called themselves Christians, and yet a hunger for truth existed deep within her. Her journey towards Jesus ultimately began with a quest to understand the source of morality. God equipped Amanda with a sharp mind and she simply had to know the answer to this question. Her search led her down all sorts of paths from mythology, paganism, and polytheism, even Judaism but each road she traveled down led to yet another dead end. With only one road left down which to travel Amanda experienced a shift in her heart as she finally accepted that only Jesus could truly explain where her deep sense of right and wrong came from.

David Pierce in  UkraineAt that point she knew what was truth and made the decision to follow Jesus at all cost. Shortly after giving her life to Jesus Amanda found out about a discipleship school and she decided after investigation that she wanted to attend this school. Her fiance at the time did not approve of her decision and broke off their engagement; the costs were immediate. Nonetheless, Amanda pushed on toward the plan God had for her life.

Amanda’s life is a powerful example of the transforming power of Jesus Christ. She is currently married and attending Steiger’s first Missions Training School in Krogis, Germany. Jodi and I are so excited to be able to further disciple people like Amanda. Her story confirms the importance of our new international Head Quarters. We believe that God will use this building to train, equip, and release people into life long devotion to God and His will.

Sumy, Ukraine

Recently I had the chance to speak in Sumy, Ukraine and God moved powerfully! Approximately 500 people from 24 cities all over the Ukraine attended the conference including some from Nigeria, Swaziland, and India.

God did many great things and doors are really opening up in the Ukraine. I believe God will raise up many Ukrainian young people to partner with Steiger to bring the powerful message of Christ to the Urkraine, Russia, Europe and beyond.

I also preached on a cold rainy night in the center of the city of Sumy after a couple bands played and dance team performed. I didn't feel like my preaching was particularly good but God still moved powerfully. One man approached one of the organizers after the concert and with tears in his eyes shared of his new found hope. Two young girls came to the concert drunk but began to sober up and responded to the alter call I gave both of them giving their lives to Jesus.

Sixty people altogether made first time decisions to follow Jesus that night!

Thank you so much for your prayers and support that make it possible for us to bring the love of Jesus to so many around the world.

For the lost,
David & Jodi Pierce
Steiger International

Prayer Needs:

  1. Pray for our International Center in Krögis, Germany. Pray:
    • for our application for a government grant; pray for wisdom to be able to get all needed papers together quickly. Please also pray for finances, as we have to prove to the government, that we are able to pay 50% of the renovation costs by ourselves.
    • also for our first evangelistic events on May 8 and May 15 in our buildings. Pray that people will come and for God’s power and anointing.
    • for more workers for this Center. We need Office Workers, Cooks, Hospitality People, Organisers, and people for our Pioneering team (more information on these are on our website under Missionary Vacancies).
  2. Pray that Jodi and her team would continue to have wisdom and unity to lead the Radical Missions School in Germany. Pray for the students - that they would hear from God for their direction after the school finishes this month.
  3. Pray for David’s speaking tour in Finland and Germany in May.


2010 No Longer Music Evangelsitic Tour

“Here am I, Send Me!” Campaign

There are so many young people around the world who have never heard the Truth about Jesus and only hear lies. They are living in absolute spiritual poverty.

Like the Good Shepherd in the parable of the “lost sheep” (Luke 15), we want to leave the comforts of our Christian environment and go to where lost sheep are found.

I want to invite you to partner with Steiger and our ministry “No Longer Music” (led by David Pierce) this year in sharing the gospel to those in Europe who so desperately need to hear it. This tour is taking place in conjunction with the launching of Steiger’s new International Headquarters and Training Center near Dresden, Germany.

Please prayerfully consider your role in this mission through prayer and finances. A gift of $100 or any size, large or small, will play a vital role in our shared mission to preach the Gospel to this lost generation. Check this year’s NLM tour page at http://hereami.steiger.org for more information.

For the lost,
Aaron Pierce
Steiger Missionary & NLM Team Member

NLM “Send Off” Show
Where: Colin Powell Center, Minneapolis, MN
When: 7pm, Friday July 23
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn more about No Longer Music and see the completely revamped show - a dramatic theatrical depiction of the story of Jesus geared toward secular youth - prior to their evangelistic tour to Europe.

Discipleship Schools

Download PDFInternational A4 format Download PDFUS Letter format

International Newsletter June 2010
International Newsletter April 2010










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