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International Newsletter June 2010

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

God moved powerfully during our first Evangelistic Concert in Krögis, Gemany at our new International Center on May 8th. Ben Pierce – our son and on staff at the Radical Missionary Training School - spoke after the concert and told the young people listening that they needed to surrender their lives to Jesus and follow Him totally. Download pdf

Almost everyone who came to the concert fell to their knees and prayed out loud with Ben in a prayer of repentance making a commitment to follow Jesus with no compromise. Twenty young people made first time commitments to follow Jesus! Check out the "Response to Steiger Band Concert in Krögis, Germany" video or on the “News & Media” section of this website.

Since then, Tim Ebert, one of our German students, has been running Bible studies every week in Krögis for some of the young people that responded that night.

Students and  Staff of the 2010 Radical Missions SchoolJodi and her team have had a great final week of praying with the students who have attended the Radical Missions School. Some are preparing for a long term missionary service in Beirut, Lebanon, Minneapolis, USA, Karlsruhe, Germany, Sanok, Poland and Helsinki, Finland. Pray that Jesus provides all the support structures these young missionaries need so they can boldly obey God and do what He has put on their hearts.

My speaking tours in Croatia, Finland, Ukraine and Berlin, Germany went very well. I know it was because of your prayers. I stayed healthy and strong with such an intense schedule and I really felt God's anointing on my preaching. Many came to Jesus or made new commitments to follow Him radically. THANK YOU for your prayers and "holding up my arms" in the battle!
We are moving into a very exciting time of multiplication in Steiger and I believe thousands are going to hear about Jesus for the first time all over the world because of your love and support.

For the lost,
David & Jodi Pierce
Steiger International

“Manifeste” Gathering in Sao PauloREPORT FROM STEIGER BRAZIL
São Paulo, an incredibly intense urban center - a city of 20 million people, 3 million in poverty, and over 5 million people between the ages of 15 and 29. This massive youth population is largely unreached by the Gospel. The church, as in most urban centers around the world, struggles to communicate the Gospel in a relevant way to these lost young people.

Steiger Brazil is a church and a mission base right in the center of this megalopolis. The church, Projeto 242, consists mostly of a concentration of artists, musicians, actors and people involved in media. As a church it focuses on communicating in a relevant way to these lost young people. It is also involved in serving the poor and reaching out to the homeless and those involved in drugs and prostitution.
The Steiger mission base, run out of the same building, focuses mainly on evangelistic projects amongst secular young people. Ania and I - after having served with Steiger as part of No Longer Music since 2005 - felt called to São Paulo.

We are currently producing a new Brazilian “No Longer Music” (NLM) performance with a team of Brazilian artists, musicians, actors, VJs and special effects technicians. Following the same principles that NLM uses, we want to lift up the Cross in São Paulo, and throughout Brazil and South America. Our first live performance is planned for the end of November on a major public square in São Paulo.

Manifeste in Sao Paulo, BrazilWe have also begun a monthly gathering called ‘Manifeste’ which follows the concept of Steiger’s Evangelistic Artist Association and seeks to challenge Christian artists to use their gifting in evangelism.

Our first meeting happened last month and about 50 people attended. Our next one is on the 29th of May, when we will talk about what it takes to see God’s power move outside the church walls (based on some of David Pierce’s articles on Principles of the Evangelistic Artist).

We are also involved in evangelistic projects amongst artists in bars and clubs, anarchist squats, etc. We have had various opportunities to share about Steiger in churches in many parts of the country, challenging the church to reach secular society. This is an exciting time and the opportunities are immense, often overwhelming. Please pray for us.

Luke and Ania Greenwood
Steiger Brazil

Prayer Needs:

  1. Pray for Projeto 242 in Sao Paulo, Brazil - for growth, strong discipleship of the church members and for many more to be reached.
  2. Pray for the new Brazilian No Longer Music Evangelistic Performance. We have sent off a request for a government grant to help with the costs. Pray it will be accepted.
  3. Pray for the next Manifest forum on the 29th of May in Sao Paulo - for many to get involved practically.
  4. Pray for God’s presence and power in everything we do. Pray that we might be witnesses to many people here in São Paulo who don’t yet know Jesus.
  5. Pray for the students from the Radical Missions School in Germany as they go back to their home countries and prepare for what God has for them next.
  6. There is a great need in Krogis, Germany for someone who can commit themselves long term to discipling the young people in the area who are so clearly hungry to follow Jesus.
  7. Pray for the ongoing preparations of this year’s No Longer Music tour to Europe (see http://hereami.steiger.org). We need around $10,000 as soon as possible to purchase the airline tickets.


The 2010 "Here am I, Send Me!" No Longer Music Evangelistic Tour

The "No Longer Music - Europe" team is busy preparing for the upcoming evangelistic tour to Europe in August. The team - led by David Pierce - is developing a completely revamped show that fuses music, theater and other special effects to tell a clear Gospel message geared toward secular youth, including the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Check out HYPERLINK "http://hereami.steiger.org/" for more, including information about the 24-hour prayer chain, the "Send Off" Show in Minneapolis on July 23 and much more.

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International Newsletter July 2010
International Newsletter May 2010










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