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International Newsletter May 2011

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

We will be publicly lifting up the message of the cross in 3 cities in Northern Iraq during our upcoming European/Middle Eastern No Longer Music Evangelistic tour. This obviously will be a spiritual battle and we need your support! Download pdf

No Longer Music Tour 2011The No Longer Music Evangelistic Tour starts on June 1 and ends after the Escape the Rat Cage Festival in Krogis, Germany on August 21. We will be doing over 30 evangelistic concerts in conjunction with local churches and ministry partners in Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Turkey and Iraq.

In the Middle East, we will be reaching a demographic of young, educated and highly influential Muslims, who have become increasingly engaged in the global network of communication, music, art and media. As recent events in the region have shown, they are hungry for freedom and are beginning to rise up against the oppressive governments and religions that rule over them. We have a unique opportunity to share the Gospel with these people at this critical time.

We also will be doing a major tour in five cities in the Ukraine with possible interviews on MTV Ukraine and other major TV channels with the band P.O.D on June 2. Our NLM team will also lead a National Youth Conference in Kiev, with young people from all over Ukraine coming.

Germany, Poland, Turkey, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Lebanon, IraqIn Poland, Jesus will also be proclaimed in over 10 cities throughout Poland, including the Slot Art Festival. For example, on Saturday June 25, No Longer Music has been invited to perform at a Street Festival on the main square in Katowice. This Festival is sponsored by Coca Cola and it may be the largest show on the tour.

We have also been invited by Darek Malejonek to take part in a festival in Lodz, Poland. Darek Malejonek is a well known artist in Poland who came to Jesus at a No Longer Music concert in 1987. He asked us to come and said "I really want you to come and preach". Thousands will hear about God's love for the first time in Poland during this tour and I expect hundreds to come to Jesus.

We will also be touring in Turkey, Kosovo, Germany and Bulgaria. We anticipate that many hundreds will give their lives to Jesus and receive the strong follow-up and discipleship necessary to become mature, enduring members of the body of Christ.

Escape the Rat Cage FestivalWe will also have our second Escape the Rat Cage Festival in Krogis. Bands from Austria, Poland, Germany, Croatia, and USA will be playing. This is a "come to find our more about Jesus follow-up weekend" for those that respond during the European tours. Mitchell Horton - who got involved with Steiger when he volunteered to drive the No Longer Music equipment from Germany to Lebanon (through Syria) and back with his father in 2009 - is the director of the Escape the Rat Cage Festival and has the faith goal that 1000 people will come and learn more about Jesus.

At the same time, 33 Ukrainians will be attending the Steiger Radical Missionary School in Krogis, Germany. They will join others from India, Brazil, Chile, USA, Australia, Germany, Nigeria, Swaziland and Poland. They include worship leaders, painters, professional dancers, pastors, graphic designers, evangelists and musicians.

NLM vídeo for Ukraine - click to watchIn order to help overcome the financial barriers facing students from Ukraine, we have committed to raising scholarships to cover the costs of attending the school for these 33 students. The school costs 1,500 Euros (approx. US$2,250) per students, which covers room, board and tuition for the entire 9-week school.

We anticipate that many of these students will be chosen to become official Steiger missionaries and form the core of the new Steiger base in Ukraine that will bring the Gospel to the secular youth culture throughout Eastern Europe, Russia and beyond through music, art and other creative means.

God is opening up so many exciting opportunities to bring the Gospel to unreached places, but we need your help! There are 3 projects you can support.

1) We still need $50,250 to cover the remaining scholarships for the Radical Missions School. So far we have raised a total of US$32,375 of the US$82,625 we need to cover these scholarships.

NLM Concert2) We only need US$40,000 to cover the remaining No Longer Music Middle East/European Tour expenses. Thousands will hear about Jesus for the first time during this exciting evangelistic tour and millions more on the media coverage that we are expecting to have on TV and radio.

3) We only need US$30,000 to cover remaining cost of the Escape the Rat Cage Festival at our international center in Krogis, Germany. Our faith goal is for 1000 people to come who are wanting to know more about Jesus.

Could you pray about how you can help in one of these three areas?

I can not exaggerate how excited Jodi and I are about what God is going to do this year. Thank you for holding up our arms in the battle!

For the lost,
David & Jodi Pierce

Follow the Tour

Check out the many ways in which you can follow the latest news, prayer requests, pictures, videos, testimonies, blogs, twitter updates and more related to the 2011 NLM Tour.
Blog: www.steiger.org/nlmtour
Facebook: www.facebook.com/steigerint
Twitter: www.twitter.com/steigerint
Vimeo: www.vimeo.com/steigerint

Prayer Needs Pray

  1. We still need sponsors for students who will be attending the Radical Missionary School in June. We have people coming from all over the world to this school. Please pray for God’s provision.
  2. Pray for God’s provision for the European No Longer Music tour. Please pray for the team members and organizers as well as for the finances to cover the costs of the tour. Pray that God will prepare the hearts of the thousands of people who will hear a clear message of the Gospel through this tour. Pray also for Jennifer & Aaron Pierce who are managing this year’s tour.
  3. Please pray for the Fuel Discipleship School students who have started their school in early March. Pray they would allow God to do what He wants to do in their hearts and lives. Pray also for the leaders and teachers - that they will really be led by God.
  4. Pray for more workers for the many missionary vacancies we have at present. More information can be found on our website under “Get Involved

If you would like to receive a weekly email that includes the latest prayer requests submitted by Steiger missionaries from around the world, please send your name and email address to prayer@steiger.org

Steiger Discipleship Schools
6 Sept 2011 - 30 Mar 2012, USA

5 Sept 2011 - 29 Jan 2012, Karlsruhe, Germany

Have you been thinking about a Discipleship School lately? We run Schools in Germany and the USA. Find more information on our website, under “Get Involved”.

Radical Missionary School
18 June - 23 August 2011, Krögis Germany

Radical Missionary School

Is God calling you to the mission field?
Do you have the heart to reach and disciple the global youth culture for Christ?
Are you ready to take the next step?
Read more

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International Newsletter June 2011
International Newsletter April 2011










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