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International Newsletter June 2011

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

Jennifer and Tiffany were raised by a single mother who struggled with drug and alcohol addictions. School was optional and stealing was acceptable. At age ten, the life Jennifer knew was completely turned upside down when their mother, who often had abusive relationships, was killed by her boyfriend. Jennifer and Tiffany – who had different dads – were separated. Jennifer was adopted and Tiffany went to live with her biological father. Download pdf

Jennifer & Tiffany with their MotherJennifer, who had always had a desire to know God, found Jesus as a young teenager, and is now married to Aaron Pierce. She is now a Steiger missionary along with Aaron. They have both been members of No Longer Music since 2007. Tiffany however, remained in her destructive lifestyle. Over the years, Jennifer tried to reach out to Tiffany, but with little success. In March of this year, Jennifer was heartbroken to find out that, at age 22, Tiffany was unmarried and pregnant. It seemed the cycle would repeat itself.

Jennifer invited Tiffany to the No Longer Music “Send Off” Show on Sunday 22nd of May at Grace Church in Eden Prairie. The No Longer Music show communicates the Gospel in a clear, raw and relevant way. After the show Tiffany – with tears in her eyes – came forward and knelt to receive Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour!! It was an incredibly special moment for Jennifer.

Jennifer has been able to meet with Tiffany since and talk about what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Please pray for Tiffany as she begins this journey and that she is able to sustain this new life for her and the baby. Pray that she will be surrounded by many people who can support her in this important decision she has made.

NLM Send Off ConcertTiffany was one of around 60 people who responded to my message after the “Send Off” Show. The response was much bigger than we anticipated and so we literally had to ask pastors and people from the crowd (around 700 people attended) to come and pray with those who responded. It is clear that even in the suburbs of Minneapolis, people are hungry for the truth!

Thank you for your love and support that makes it possible for so many hurting and lost young people to hear that Jesus loves them.

For the lost,
David & Jodi Pierce

Prayer Needs Pray

  1. Pray for the No Longer Music team as they begin their 3 month evangelistic tour in Ukraine, Poland, Iraq, Turkey, Bulgaria, Kosovo and Turkey. By God’s power, we believe that we will reach thousands of young people like Tiffany.
  2. We still need sponsors for 10 students who will be attending the Radical Missionary School this summer. Please pray for God’s provision.
  3. Pray for more workers for the many missionary vacancies we have at present. More information can be found on our website under “Get Involved

If you would like to receive a weekly email that includes the latest prayer requests submitted by Steiger missionaries from around the world, please send your name and email address to prayer@steiger.org

Praise Report

No Longer Music Funds Raised!
God is faithful! We were able to raise all the funds we needed for this summer’s No Longer Music tour. Thank you to everyone who played an important role in that!
Thank you also to all who came to our “Send Off” Shows in Sioux Falls, SD and Eden Prairie, MN. We are so incredibly blessed by your support and excited to see how God will use our efforts to reach the lost this summer!

Follow the Tour

Check out the many ways in which you can follow the latest news, prayer requests, pictures, videos, testimonies, blogs, twitter updates and more related to the 2011 NLM Tour.
Blog: www.steiger.org/nlmtour
Facebook: www.facebook.com/steigerint
Twitter: www.twitter.com/steigerint
Vimeo: www.vimeo.com/steigerint

No Longer Music 24 Hour Prayer Chain

We still need people to join our No Longer Music 24-hour prayer chain. Our goal is to have at least one person praying for No Longer Music every hour of every day during the tour (June 1 – August 23).
Please send your name and contact information to nlmsupport@steiger.org to receive regular prayer requests during the tour. Include the day and hour that you will commit to pray every week.

“I urge you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me.” - Romans 15:30

Ukraine Students - Scholarships Needed

We still need to raise scholarships for 10 students from Ukraine to attend Steiger’s Radical Missionary School. Each scholarship costs €1,500 and covers their food, lodging and tuition during the entire school.
Would you consider sponsoring one of these potential radical young missionaries?
When you provide funds for a scholarship, you will receive the name and information about the student that the funds are used for. They will also contact you and share about their experience at the school and what God is teaching them.
Donations can be made online through our website or by contacting the Steiger Office closest to you.

Steiger Discipleship Schools


6 Sept 2011 - 30 Mar 2012, USA

5 Sept 2011 - 29 Jan 2012, Karlsruhe, Germany

Have you been thinking about a Discipleship School lately? We run Schools in Germany and the USA. Find more information on our website, under “Get Involved”.

Radical Missionary School
18 June - 23 August 2011, Krögis Germany

Radical Missionary School

Is God calling you to the mission field?
Do you have the heart to reach and disciple the global youth culture for Christ?
Are you ready to take the next step?
Read more

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International Newsletter July 2011
International Newsletter May 2011










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