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Rule #6: It's Okay to Say, "I Don't Know."

Rule #6: It's Okay to Say, "I Don't Know."

If we are humble, we can discuss anything with anyone. It doesn't matter how hostile the person or divisive the topic. Humility leads us to listen more than speak. It gives us a genuine interest in other people and a teachable spirit. Most importantly, it frees us from the burden of needing to know everything. The truth is, no one has all the answers, not even Christians.

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Rule #4: Really Know Them

Rule #4: Really Know Them

Followers of Jesus should be fluent in the motives, fears, and dreams of those around them. Like we talked about in the last post, we achieve this by being great listeners.

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Rule #3: Really Listen

Rule #3: Really Listen

There is a hunger for deep and meaningful conversations today. If you ask good questions, you'd be amazed how many people open up. But asking questions is only half the battle.

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Rule #2: Don't Oversimplify

Rule #2: Don't Oversimplify

In our increasingly complex world, it's natural to want simple explanations. Easy answers and obvious villains make the world safer to navigate.

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8 Rules for Discussing "Hot Topics" Like Jesus Did - Rule #1: Remember Your Bias

8 Rules for Discussing "Hot Topics" Like Jesus Did - Rule #1: Remember Your Bias

Everyone has an opinion on politics, religion, racism, justice, the environment, etc. Yet, how often do we have meaningful conversations about these topics with people who disagree with us?

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Rule #5: Find Common Ground!

Rule #5: Find Common Ground!

If we want to change the hearts and minds of people outside the church, we need to find common ground. We spend so much time focusing on our disagreements that we miss a huge opportunity.

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Waiting for a Breakthrough

Waiting for a Breakthrough

As I stood under the huge bridge over the Vistula River in Warsaw, waiting for the ambulance to take the poor girl passed out on the floor, I watched the lost young guys and girls partying on, as if nothing had happened.

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Get Your Voice Back (Part 5): Be Afraid, and Do It Anyway!

Get Your Voice Back (Part 5): Be Afraid, and Do It Anyway!

The world is increasingly divided over a growing number of contentious “hot topics.” As followers of Jesus, we have the truth – but we’ve lost our voice. People aren’t interested in what we have to say, and we are often to blame.

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Get Your Voice Back (Part 4): Root Out False Gospels!

Get Your Voice Back (Part 4): Root Out False Gospels!

“Don’t let anyone tell you that you need to change. You are good the way you are. Put yourself first, and follow your dreams, then you will be happy.”

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Get Your Voice Back (Part 3): Stop Being Shocked!

Get Your Voice Back (Part 3): Stop Being Shocked!

Human beings make mistakes. If you are one, this shouldn’t come as a big surprise. For the most part, we are good at forgiving ourselves, but other people? Not so much.

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Get Your Voice Back (Part 2): Isolation is Our Enemy

Get Your Voice Back (Part 2): Isolation is Our Enemy

Jesus was a friend of sinners. He ate with them, healed them, and insisted on invitations to their house parties. Even when they hid from Him, He sought them out. He challenged the cultural norms of His day.

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Get Your Voice Back (Part 1): Why is No One Listening?

Get Your Voice Back (Part 1): Why is No One Listening?

More than ever, the world needs to hear what Christians have to say, and yet they aren’t listening. 

Are we to blame? 

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Take on His Burden and Find Rest

Take on His Burden and Find Rest

Everyone I know is tired - and not the “just need one good night sleep to recover” kind of tired, but something deeper. The world has plenty to say about rest: just do more of what you like, and less of what you don’t.

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Joy Beckons Me to the Narrow Road

Joy Beckons Me to the Narrow Road

The world is broken, and it feels overwhelming. I know God wants to use my life to alleviate suffering and preach the Gospel. He calls me to follow Him no matter the cost.

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What If It Doesn't Get Any Better?

What If It Doesn't Get Any Better?

The year 2020 changed us forever. The world has not been this collectively disrupted since World War II. In the United States, where I live, massive political unrest and racial tension threatened the already fragile stability of a country struggling to hold back COVID-19.

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What If This Changes Everything?

What If This Changes Everything?
Like the rest of us, I don’t know what the future holds with the current crisis we face. We watch the worrying news unraveling day by day–how the coronavirus spreads, what decisions governments are making to try to contain it, the resulting economic hit. Our way of life is being and will continue to be changed.
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Feeling Restless?

Feeling Restless?
We are truly curious beings. Restless actually, aren’t we? We’re not made to sit still, isolated, disinterested. We like to look for something more and ask the big questions of “why” and “how.” In fact, it’s what keeps us going - it keeps us moving forward. It’s a healthy dissatisfaction, a zest for life and what it can offer. It’s what keeps us alive, both in the most primitive and practical sense, but also in a more existential and teleological sense.
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If You're Never Silent, You'll Never Hear

If You're Never Silent, You'll Never Hear
I have a very energetic four year old. He never stops talking or moving. I am continually yelling out instructions like, "Don't eat that!" "Why are you moving the couch?" "How did you get your sister up there?"
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